2- Mutual Conversations

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--7:09 a.m.--

I crawled into the very back of a van that the band was using to get us to the airport while yawning.

"Scoot." Cody commented while eyeing me, the girl who was taking up three seats with her limbs.

"For you? That's funny." I spat while rolling my eyes.

"Come on, Maddy. We've gotta be at the airport by 7:45 and this isn't helping." Maxx cut in as my lips parted slightly.

"The thing that's not helping is the fact that he can't find another seat. Nobody is even in here yet!" I exclaimed waving my hands around at the empty seats. Maxx gave me a glare as I huffed out air crossing my arms and scooted over to the edge so Cody could get in. Instead of sleeping for the ride like I planned, I pulled out my phone and began to play games on it. There really wasn't a lot of time to get another hour of sleep in so why not screw around on your phone?

"Isn't that a match right there?" Cody asked from beside me while poking my screen where I got even more points for this level. Candy Crush...it's an annoying game, but personally if it takes up a big waste of my time, I'm all up for playing it. I smiled to myself but hid it with my hair. I exited out of that game and pressed the fruit ninja icon then chuckled while leaning over towards Cody while pressing start.

"You're helping me cut digital fruit whether you like it or not." I commanded as both of our fingers began to poke the screen furiously.

--8:16 a.m.--

"No, that doesn't count! You made me blink!" Cody exclaimed as I deadpanned.

"I didn't even move. How could I have- ugh..." We're currently on the airplane and I'm squashed in between Maxx and Cody. Whether we hate each other or not, our stupid little games that we play together when we're bored are pretty fun.

"I blinked because I had to take my eyes off of you for once." I clenched my teeth together and shoved him then he did the same to me. Him and I both ended up in a pushing match until Maxx put his hands out shoving us away from each other.

"God, you two are children. Just knock it off already." He spat as I cowered down into my seat crossing my arms then stared out the window after putting earbuds in my ears and listened to the boys' songs just so I'd be listening to something that I actually liked. The only thing I enjoy about Cody is the way he sings. It's just amazing in my opinion and I'd listen to it all day, but I'm certainly not going to tell him that.

--11:34 a.m.--

"Madeline Danziger I swear to god if you don't get up I'll make you wish you did." Maxx threatened as I groaned lifting my head from his shoulder and started to stand up from my seat but the seat belt held me down. I furrowed my eyebrows and pressed the button to unbuckle myself, but it wouldn't budge. I heard a chuckle from beside me making my eyes avert away from the buckle and up at Cody.

"What? It's a common problem you ass." I spat as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't think people need help every second of the day to get out of a seat belt."

"You can leave." I stated while literally punching the button as Cody left with the other boys.

"Uh, Miss do you need some help?" I heard a woman ask as I looked up at her then grinned laughing a little psychotically.

"Yes!" I exclaimed making her jump then I calmed down a bit as she pressed the button and it easily unlatched making me deadpan. "Fucking seat belt." I mumbled while getting up then grabbed my bag from up above and stormed off the plane seeing the boys all waiting by a tour bus talking to each other.

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