23- Happy Incident Anniversary

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My breathing picked up speed even quicker as I sprinted down the street. I glanced behind me again to check and see if he's still there. Nope. I kept up my speed as adrenaline pumped through me veins. I finally escaped from him. Sorta. A familiar house came into view as I quickened then got all the way up to the door then banged on it about a thousand times before it opened. Revealing an alarmed Cody, I let out a sigh of relief then bolted inside.

"Um, come in?" I wiped the tears from my face for the millionth time tonight and tucked my knees towards my chest then hid my face in them. Footsteps made their way downstairs making me peek through my knees slightly. Cody's mom came into view.

"Who's this?"

"I uh, this is Maddy. Remember? Maxx's little sister."

"Why is she-"

"Mom, quit asking me questions and go get her some water. Please?" After his mom left the room, Cody came and kneeled in front of me. 

"Maddy, what's the matter?" I shook my head as another sob escaped my lips. After a few seconds, a glass of water was placed beside me then a hand grabbed my writ trying to pry my arms away from my face making me wince away. Cody jumped at that, but he focused on the dark bruises and red scratches on my arms then grabbed my face in both of his hands.

"Who did this to you?" I felt the lump in my throat as I choked back a sob.


"Miller?" I slowly nodded as he abruptly stood up and I groggily reached for the glass of water. Sipping on it, I noticed that he was on the phone and angrily speaking to the person on the other side of the phone. After that call, he dialed another number and at that moment I just knew...I'm going to finally be saved from the abusive relationship that no one knew about until this day.


--5:43 a.m.--

I jumped from my sleep nearly waking up Cody, who was laying next to me, then fell back into the pillows with a long sigh. Just a dream.. It didn't happen again; thank god. I slid out from under the covers and walked into the bathroom across the hall then locked the door and began stripping from the clothes I was wearing after starting my shower. While looking in the mirror, I noticed the scars all over my body from high school. He made me do it... I shuddered at the thought then stepped into the hot water and smiled to myself while my muscles relaxed.

After finishing up the last of my make up, I leaned away from the mirror to examined my appearance. A gray beanie sat on top of my head as my straightened fell down to the middle of my back. I wore a loose white shirt with a design on the front with an oversized blue flannel over it hanging down past my hips. To finish off my outfit, I threw on some black skinny jeans and red converse. I may be getting ready to be a mom, but I sure as hell don't dress like it. 

--7:02 a.m.--

I ran out to the small kitchen/dining room then began searching the cabinets for anything fast for me to eat. Groaning at the sight of no cereal or breakfast bars, I grabbed my phone and car keys then wrote a note saying I'm going to work then sped off downtown. I made a stop at Dunkin Donuts for some coffee and, obviously, a donut. My train of thought eventually wandered off on it's own. The flashback of what happened 4 years ago is still pretty haunting. I mean why wouldn't it be? The only reason I'm wearing black skinny jeans in 90 degree weather is all because of thoughts from that night. I can't believe what happened four years ago is still just lurking behind me just waiting for someone to bring up that night. I felt a tug in my chest at another terrible thought while glancing up in the rear-view mirror seeing a more hidden scar underneath my eye. It was slowly fading, but every single one of them was too. Some were way too deep for my liking. 

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