8- I Missed You

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A/N: Up above is Natalie.

--6:12 p.m.--

I fanned myself while trying to calm down from getting overexcited. I'm finally seeing my best friend again after almost a month and a half. The boys already convinced her that I wasn't going to be at the show tonight because I wasn't "feeling well" even though I'm perfectly fine. Some of the fans helped us organize it too. They're hiding me at the tent so Natalie can't see me at all. It's been almost two hours and I finally got a text from Cody saying that they're on their way over saying that they'd get her something out of their merch for a sorry gift that I'm not here. "Okay, there she is. Maddy, are you ready?" One of the fans asked as I nodded at her then made my way out of the tent and in the middle of the crowd. Eventually they all made a path in the middle and Natalie furrowed her eyebrows, but then broke out into a sprint towards me and wrapped her legs around my waist as I laughed hugging her tightly. I peeked up from her shoulder while blinking away some tears and saw the boys with their phones out. I gave them a thumbs up as the crowed awed. Natalie was trying not to sob loudly while holding onto me tighter.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you!" She exclaimed while pulling away then hopped down from my arms as I brushed hair away from her face and held her cheeks. I noticed something in her eyes that I haven't seen for a while. Giving her a concerned look, I frowned.

"You're okay right?" I asked as my voice cracked and she nodded bringing me in for another hug.

--8:01 p.m.--

"So yeah, that's how this happened." Natalie finished while pointing scars on her thigh making me frown.

"I thought you were done with that."

"Well when you were gone, I didn't have anyone to protect me from everyone else. I was vulnerable."

"Aw, Nat. You could've called me and I would've came to you without a second thought." I frowned while holding her hand in mine.

"That's the thing, I didn't wanna ruin your fun. I mean how's it going with you and Cody anyways?" My heart dropped at the sound of his name.

There isn't a way to really avoid this question unless I lie. It's kind of pointless to do that anyways because she'll eventually find out about what happened.

"Well yesterday was the best day of my life, but I'm trying to forget about it."

"Who would want to forget the best day of their life?"

"Who wouldn't want to if the other person doesn't remember anything about it?"

"God, did you two kiss?"

"Well.." I blushed biting my lip and looked down at my lap as her jaw dropped.

"No... You two didn't. Oh my god you did!" I shushed her with a hand over her mouth.

"He was drunk and basically woke up with amnesia; didn't remember a thing."

"Well...how was he?"

"Honestly? I couldn't imagine better. I mean you can still see my hand prints on the window." I stated looking past her as she made a face then moved away making me laugh.

We both ended up talking for a few more hours before she had to head home. I'm glad we got to catch up and everything. It was nice to know that she's still thinking about me.

--11:59 p.m.--

I rubbed my eyes while crawling into my bunk and almost failed getting into it, but Cody's hands saved my fall. They were on my waist and since the bus had hit a bump, our bodies were pressed together and my hands were gripping the bed tightly. I inhaled sharply as my eyes squeezed shut and wanted to let the thing that happened yesterday to start all over again, but there are people on the bus so let's not.

"Thanks." I mumbled trying not to stutter as he lifted me slightly.

"I'll talk to you in the morning." He said into my ear as my face reddened.

We both crawled into bed and shut the curtains. I felt my chest as my heart beat a thousand miles a minute. As butterflies danced around in my stomach, I grinned then turned towards the wall closing my eyes and felt myself begin to drift to sleep.

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