11- Who's Ready To Par-Tay?!?!

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--7:33 p.m.--

"Agh! Maxx where'd my shoes go?!" I yelled through the hotel room while searching the small bathroom for them. A hand popped through the door with two black stilettos making a smile appear on my face. 

"Thanks brother." I awkwardly laughed at myself then slid them on after putting on a low cut tight tan strapless crop top and a tight mid thigh skirt.

 I looked down at my chest and made a face while pushing up on my breasts. Insecurities hit me as I tried putting the wiring of my bra directly underneath them to push up so I wouldn't have to worry. A knock on the door made me jump while grabbing the knob to hold my balance then I turned it pushing open the door to see Cody standing there. My face reddened as I wobbled in the heels I had on then tipped backwards into the wall. The 23 year old, who was just as childish as a 5 year old, stifled the laugh that longed to come out at some point as I glared at him. 

"Well I was gonna ask if you were ready, but this answers my question. Oh and uh Maddy?" I raised my eyebrows at him as he reached down to my skirt where it was sitting just below my you-know-what. Blushing, I bit the inside of my cheek as he pulled it down to where it was supposed to be.

"Th-Thanks. Can we go now?" Nodding, Cody grabbed my hands helping me up from my current position then lead me out of the hotel room where Amanda was waiting patiently leaning against the hallway wall. 

"Ready?" She asked as her eyes trailed from my heels all the way up to my curled hair and red plump lips. Cody may not have noticed her do that, but I sure did. 

"Yeah, we're ready. Where'd you say it was again?" Cody asked as we began walking down the hallway. His hand was lightly touching the small of my back to keep me from toppling over from the heels. Why'd I decide to wear these damn things?

"It's just down the road. And if you two, like the questioners you are, were going to ask how I got invited to a party, I have friends in all sorta of different states." Cody and I both gave each other a weird look but followed her along the side walk as she blabbed about random stuff. Oh how I wish she was Natalie. Man if it was, I'd be listening to more than a quarter of what she's saying right now.  

"I bet you that over half of these friends are her ex's." I muttered to Cody as he elbowed me playfully as we both laughed.

"And if a girl was on of them?" A gave him a knowing look as he furrowed his eyebrows, but then his lips parted in realization. "She likes both? How did I not know that?"

"Maybe because the only thing you pay attention to is their boobs." I commented as he looked down at mine.

"You're right." My jaw dropped as I smacked his arm.

"Cody! Does the word girlfriend ring a bell?" We both snickered as the three of us all reached a large house with music blaring from inside. The smell of alcohol was getting stronger the closer to got to the front door and the smoke of cigarettes was escaping the lips of people, both genders, from ages of at least 17 to 30. My shortened breaths made my chest begin to heave up and down at a fast pace. 

"Hey, you don't have to do this. We can go back to the hotel and watch movies or something." Cody said as his hand wrapped around my wrist.

"No, I can do this. I need to do this. I just need some alcohol in my system and I'll be perfectly fine." A smile spread across his face as I said that then his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"That's my girl." It's as if someone threw red paint at my face when he said those words. 

"You two coming or what?" Amanda asked with a sheepish grin on her face while holding the front door open. We both nodded and followed her into the house. My small hand was in Cody's the whole time just for anxiety reasons. 

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