9- Bad Day

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--Random 4 Days Later--

--3:33 p.m.--

I shoved my earbuds in my ears and blasted my music while kicking my feet up on the table backstage where Maxx made me sit because well...I'm in a really bad mood today. I can't say I feel bad about what I said to those security guards, but I can say it felt good to take some of my attitude out on someone other than the boys. There were some muffled voices that entered the room making my eyes flicker over to where they came from. The boys came in the room for a break making my upper lip curl in annoyance. Maxx gave me a look and gestured for me to take out my earbuds. I shook my head as he stepped closer then tried to force them out, but I slapped his hands away harshly. After a few minutes, we were both arguing with my phone and earbuds laying on the floor.

"It's not my fault you're acting like this!" Maxx yelled as I stood up from the couch trying to hold my confidence in place.

"I never said it was! Maybe I just wanted to be left alone!"

"Then why'd you even come?! I never asked you to be here anyway!" I pushed passed him and the other boys who were currently standing in front of the door. I flung it open making it hit the wall then stepped outside.

"I never wanted to come. I never wanted to be your sister. I never wanted to fucking live you asshole!" I exclaimed then slammed the door behind me and began my crying fest. A bunch of fans would ask me what was wrong and I'd just shake my head while walking back to the bus.

Cody's POV:

"What the hell was that for, Maxx?" Austin asked sounding genuinely angry.

"She deserved every word I said. It's not my fault that she decided to act this way today." Maxx responded while running a stressed hand through his hair.

There's no way in hell that she deserved that. I may have said somethings, but I regretted every bit of it. I actually care about her a lot more than I would've expected to. Maddy isn't the type of girl to cry about anything, but this tour is just tearing her apart. Getting cheated on, having an anxiety attack, and she may not know it but there are a majority of our fans giving her hate for being with all of us on that bus.

"You guys are on again in five." Someone popped in and said making us all sigh.

We walked back up on stage as everyone cheered throwing their hands up. I faked a smile trying not to let them know that something was on my mind.

"Alright, for this next song, it's going to be an older one. It's one we don't perform that often, but I know that quite a few of you like it." I got confused looks from some of the boys as I spoke into the mic.

From a little distance, I saw Maddy stop walking and look back at the stage. She was over by the water bottle tent with a bottle in her hand. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and took a sip of the water then continued to watch.

"This is song reminds me of a girl I like and she has an asshole of an ex boyfriend." I spat making the crowd laugh. "Here's Third Wheel!" They all cheered as the music started and I began to sing.

I've been thinking for a while now, and I don't doubt that he's ever gonna give it a rest.

The conversation didn't take place, I'll need a neck brace to give him if he tries to see her face.

This gnat lurks around and never obeys. Another mental breakdown saves the day.

While you cry I'll try my best to convey in every way I adore to say.

I think that I'm falling for you and now I'm not sure what he's going to do. He's always begging me, begging me to just stay away because I'm gonna get my baby, I'm gonna get my baby tonight.

Third wheel come deal your best hand.

You know I can't stand every single thing you stand for.

A sales man waiting at the door like a filthy whore, I'll leave you lonely and abandoned.

I was up on one of the speakers waving my hand around trying to get the crowd even more wild than before, which I did, and they all were singing the rest of the lyrics with me. The guys were all getting really into it and it seems like they're having fun. A large smile was plastered on my face just seeing the energy throughout the venue. Maddy was even singing along with the lyrics despite the fight her and Maxx had earlier. Finishing the song up, I hopped back down on the stage and let out a long breath before the next song started.

Maddy's POV:

--5:04 p.m.--

"The crowd never expected that! Nice job, Cody. Way to keep them on the edge of their seats." Zach complimented while high-fiving the blonde who was still smiling.

I rolled my eyes while walking back to my bunk and plopped down in the bed then got on my phone. It seemed like the most interesting thing at the moment.

"Who was the girl that the song was about?" Austin asked curiously as Cody chuckled.

"A friend of mine. We met a few shows back and have talked ever since. I'm starting to really like her." My lips parted at what he just said. But we...what?!

"Oh..Well uh, good job. Have fun with her." Austin replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Now there's nothing I can do. Alright, yeah, I like Cody. There I admitted it. No more denying. He was going to get a girlfriend sooner or later, why deny my feelings now? Since he can't feel the same way because of the other girl, we can't date and I don't have to worry about getting my heart shattered into a million pieces. Every single guy I have ever been with broke up with me because of me. It supposedly wasn't them like what did I do? Live?

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