21- Long Day Of An Emotional Mess

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--9:12 a.m.--

Well, it's been a few days since I found out about being pregnant. We already got an appointment for an ultrasound just to be sure that the baby's healthy. I've been kinda paranoid on how I've been laying down, eating, and how I don't do things that a pregnant woman could probably still do. Cody's been a huge help though. We're talking about me moving in with him instead of living with my mom and stepdad. Oh yeah, they don't know about the baby. Oops?

"So what're you planning on doing today?" Cody asked while running his fingers gently through my hair since my head was laying on his chest.

"I just," Instead of continuing on talking, I let out a long loud yawn making the both of us snicker. "I wanna be lazy all day."

"You realize I'm almost out of food here right?"

"Welp, now we're going to the store. There's no way I'm not eating as much just because you're about out of food."

"You don't have to go I-"

"No! No, I'm going." 

"When you're pregnant, you're really demanding."

"Well be prepared for the next 9 months."

--11:31 a.m.--

I frowned while looking at two different bottles of aspirin. I have no idea which one to choose. Especially for all of these enormous headaches I keep getting.

"Cody?" I asked looking around in the aisle then saw him pop his head around the corner with the cart handle in his hands. I waved him over while while frowning.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to get! They seem the same, but for this one it says extra strength adnt eh other doesn't have that."

"Then get extra strength."

"But the other one seems good."

"Get the other one."

"I need something strong though!"

"Maddy, I don't know what you want!" I pouted and slouched a little more than usual. I wanted to cry, yeah, I'm an emotional mess. I've got Cody's hoodie and basketball shorts on along with his sliders. I look like shit and I could care less, the worst part is the slightly smeared mascara under my eyes from the past few days of crying from stomach pain plus my headaches.

"I just want help!" I exclaimed while stomping my foot.

"Um, excuse me. I couldn't help, but over hear you guys over here." A familiar voice said from behind me. Cody raised an eyebrow while looking over my shoulder.

"Natalie?" Cody asked as I turned around then saw Natalie and Chris. Man, I should've seen this coming.


"Chris...Hey. Um, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, you never text me back anymore.."

"I've been busy." Cody cleared his throat from behind me just as Natalie looked down at the bottles in my hands.

"Extra strength always worked for me. I uh, sorry. Didn't mean to eavesdrop." I shake my head and plastered a friendly smile on my face just for Natalie. 

"No, you're fine. Um, thanks. So how have you guys been doing?"

"Well besides you not answering either of our texts or calls, it's been good."


"No, Maddy. Save it. We haven't talked in nearly two months and you come home without a word."

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