12- You're acting Weird

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A/N: In this book Pierson Fode doesn't exist! In this book, which Pierson is gonna be playing a big part in, his name will be...Chris. Oh and if you don't know who he is- he's an actor and up above on the right is him.

--Random 2 Weeks Later--

--2:01 p.m.--

"What can I get you?" I asked the guy in front of me while looking down at my phone to finish texting Natalie.

"Your number would be great." He replied making me look up at him confusedly.


"I said your number would be great." I chuckled taking the sharpie out of my pocket.

"Only if I get yours."

"Fair enough." Man, he's cute. I'm certainly glad my confidence built up to actually talk to him. After writing down my number on his hand, he did the same thing to me which put a huge grin on my face. 

"I must know the name of the guy that has my number. You mind?" I asked while squinting up at him as the sun half blinded me. 

"It's Chris."

"I'm Madeline. Maddy for short."

"I love it. So are you an original here in Alabama?" I shook my head laughing a little.

"Nah. Florida. You?"

"Same, actually. This is just the closest state I could get to see Set it Off."

"What about the last show in Florida?"

"I had something going on. Maybe when the tour ends, you and I could get together."

"I'd like that." Smiling, I looked down tucking hair behind my ear. "We could talk until then." 

"I'll text you first." He winked pulling out his phone then a minute later, my phone buzzed making me laugh.

"No joke." I heard the back of hte tent open making Chris focus his attention on the person or people that're behind me. I looked back and saw all the boys.

"Who's this?" Maxx asked being a little bit overprotective.

"I'm Chris. Her friend. For now anyways.." Both of our eyes connected making my face start to redden. I glanced back at Maxx and gave him a glare saying 'If you ruin my chance I'll gut you.' 

"I'll approve. You a fan?" 

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." Chris grinned making the boys chuckle. Maxx is a bit of a dumbass. Nooo a guy who has on a Set it Off shirt that just currently bought their album isn't a fan at all.

--5:32 p.m.--

I laughed at the text that Chris sent me, but blushed at the same time since it was more of a dirty conversation than we both intended it to be. Looking down at my phone as it buzzed, I read it in my head as if it was his voice saying it.

'Okay, okay. How about this?

twinkle twinkle little star

we can do it in a car'

'Well my answer would be

row row row your boat

gently down the stream

merrily merrily merrily merrily

I can make you scream.....MY NAME'

Send. God, I'm almost regretting sending th- Oh wait never mind. His answer was just as dirty.

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