13- Future Commitment

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--11:23 a.m.--

"Yeah okay, love you too Mom. The tour's almost over we'll be home at some point." I joked while holding my phone to my ear and grabbed the key to my hotel room from the front desk lady.

"He wants to see you." She said and I could tell by her voice that she was smiling, but I frowned.


"Your dad."

"Mom, for the last time, Kevin isn't my dad and never will be. I call him step-asshole for a reason."

"Madeline Nicole!"

"Step-asshole is a good name. Come on, Mom. He acts like one completely!" She sighed and a laugh was heard from behind me as I turned around. Cody stood there shaking his head at me. I bit my lip and decided against saying anything then walked inside my room once I found it. 

"No he doesn't. Just act like you're happy to see him when you get home."

"I'll try, but I'm not promising anything. Don't expect me to hug him." I ended the call and ran a hand through my hair after tossing my bags up on the couch by the wall. 

"Was that Mom?" Maxx asked, hope filling his voice.


"What'd she want?" Curious much?

"Just saying how much Kevin wanted to supposedly see me."

"He probably just wants to check you out as you're not paying attention walking in the door."

"Ew, shut up." Yeah, my stepdad is a complete perv. He always makes weird jokes when I'm around and it's just- no, ew.

"Did she ask or say anything about me?" I shook my head furrowing my eyebrows.

"No, why?" Maxx sighed shrugging as the bags in his hands swayed with the movement.

"I don't know maybe I just thought there was hope to actually have a real mom for once."


"No. Just don't Madeline. It's fine, that's why I'm staying with Dad; our real dad." 

"And you're leaving me all alone?"

"That's my plan. We don't even need each other half the time."

"But, we do."

"I don't." I felt my breath get caught in my throat as he said those words.

"I need you." Shaking his head, he began to walk into his room diagonal from mine.

"No you don't." My shoulders slumped and I slide down against the wall on the inside of my door not bothering to shut it then put my face in my hands. What an asshole. 

"Hey, you alright?" Cody's voice rang through my ears as I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, Maxx and I just got into it a little."

"So did Amanda and I." I looked up at him as he frowned glancing down the hallway.

"Aw, what happened?"

"It was just about the relationship about how I'm supposedly not putting anything into it."

"Well you kinda did say that you liked me the other day.." I trailed off while blushing.

"Yeah, but it's not like she hasn't done that yet. She always texts different guys and it gets on my nerves."

"Did you mean it?"

"What? My feelings for you?" I nodded expecting him to lie straight to my face. "Of course. Maddy, I've known you since before I graduated high school and they've only grown stronger if anything." Smiling, I reached my hands up at him grabbing at the air until he took them in his and helped me up to my feet. 

"That was cliche. I loved it." 

We both snickered before it got silent and we both gave each other a weird look right before his arms wrapped around my waist and mine went around his neck. Our lips crashed together clearly in a craved-filled way as we both stumbled back into the room shutting the door. I was picked up and tossed on the bed by Cody who then threw off his shirt afterwards. I bit my lip propping myself up on my elbows as he crawled up to me placing his knees on either side of my legs then leaned down pressing his lips to mine once again. I felt his hands go to the hem of my shirt making my cheeks heat up, but then my brain finally caught up with our actions and I moved my hands down to his and lace our fingers together. He furrowed his eyebrows pulling away just enough for us to have some space to breath.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"What'd you mean?"

"You're still dating Amanda. Aren't you doing this out of revenge or something?"

"You seriously think that?" I shrugged as he shook his head.

"It seemed kinda like it."

"Maddy, I like you."

"And I like you too but-"

"There isn't supposed to be a but about it!"

"I know, but there is. I just don't wanna ruin your relationship with her. She's a really nice girl and-"

"No she's not, I guess you really haven't met her have you?" I gave him a confused look as he continued. "Amanda forces things and gets mad at me for little things that I do. It's just like another girlfriend I used to have. She always got mad at me for small things. And if we were together, I know you wouldn't do that."

"How do you completely know that?"

"Maddy, I know you. The biggest fight we were in was over something major, but we eventually made up. You don't scream and break stuff for a small little mistake I'd make. Let's take for example if I said the wrong thing, you'd correct me no questions asked." I giggled rolling my eyes then nodded at him.

"That's true."

"My point." 

"I'm still sticking with my statement about not going through with this."

"What- why?" 

"Because reasons. Do you even have anything?"

"Have anything..." He trailed off as I sighed in defeat.

"Condom. Do. You. Have. A. Condom."

"Well...Not exactly but-"

"No buts, I'm not planning on getting pregnant without commitment." He burst out laughing and leaned down laying his cheek on my chest making me smile.

"So if we were dating?"


"What? It wouldn't be that bad would it?" I chuckled running my hands through his hair and bit my lip.

"I dunno. Probably not."

"So you're considering?"

"Cody, we aren't even dating or talking about it."

"We could talk about it."

"Tell me that when you don't have a girlfriend."

"Fine, I will." He reached down grabbing my hips then turned the tables so that I was straddling his waist making me giggle. "In the mean time, I'd rather enjoy this moment than do anything else." 

I leaned down and pressed our lips as his hands went up the back of my shirt and traced shapes on my skin gently. Now this is something I truly missed while having a boyfriend. Aaron and I used to do this before we slept together for the first time. Having these talks with Cody about dating with true commitment make me happy. Especially the part where he mentioned having a kid. That's something a loyal guy would say. I'm just not sure if it'll all work out like we'd want it to. I laid my head down on his chest closing my eyes and felt sleep beginning to take over making me yawn. I hope he keeps his word.

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