17- Just friends

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--8:36 a.m.--

I jumped from my sleep just as a cold sweat broke on my forehead. My eyes lazily scanned the room. Beer bottles, clothes, books, paper...Holy shit my room's trashed. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked underneath the covers, but then dropped them seeing what was under there. I glanced over at the 21 year old that was spread out beside me without a shirt and unbuttoned ripped skinny jeans. I pulled on his shirt that was thrown on top of my lamp that was currently on the floor. Memories from last night filled my head as I took in his signature cologne. I kicked my legs out from under the covers and placed both of my hands on Andy's side shoving him a little until he woke up. 

"Hm?" He groaned as his eyes squinted open. I ran a hand through his hair getting it out of his face then pressed my lips to his forehead. 

"I'm gonna go make some breakfast for us okay?" I mumbled against his skin. He sighed happily in response. I hopped off the bed making sure not to wake up anyone if they're even here. 

I padded down the steps to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. I frowned walking up to the piece of paper then read over the two messages left.

Mom: Kevin and I are going to be out for a week on vacation together.

Maxx: I'm staying over at Zach's for a few days. 

Damn, thanks for being family. I shrugged, crumbled up the paper then tossed it in the trash can and pulled out a pan for eggs. After everything was set out on the counter for me to make breakfast, I put the eggs on the pan and began cooking. I tapped my foot on the cold hard woods floor as if it would pass time and lazily flipped the egg. A few minutes passed by before I felt arms wrap around my waist. 

"Smells good.." Andy mumbled against my ear as he bent down slowly placing a kiss on my neck then to my jawline making my breath hitch in my throat.

"I-I uh, yeah. What'd y-you like to drink with i-it?" I stuttered as his hands traveled down and wrapped around my waist.

"Orange juice is fine. I know what'd be better though." His lips pressed against my cheek gently but went straight back to work on my neck where I'm sure is still marked up from last night. Our bodies soon were roughly pressed together with my back to his chest making me gasp slightly. 

"I um, Andy. I can't focus on cooking. I'm gonna burn the house down." We both laughed as he leaned off of me pressing a kiss to the top of my head making me smile.

"About last night."

"It was pretty fun. It took my mind off of everything else."

"Right. I'm glad it did and I had a lot of fun too, but did you actually pay enough attention?"

"To what?"

"What I wasn't wearing." He stated seriously as I froze in my spot.

"I-I'm sure it'll be fine. Right?"

"I guess. Just try to be cautious. In case anything were to happen if you know where I'm getting at, just call me okay?" Nodding I sniffed trying not to let any tears slip. Maybe getting pregnant is a bad thing. If you're wanting a kid on purpose then fine, have at it. If you're not, go ahead and bawl your eyes out. "Maddy.." 

"Andy, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong okay?" I spat while flipping the food on a plate.

We both silently ate our food. I'm sure both of our minds were racing like crazy; I know mine is. It was completely different with Cody. Him and I actually talked it out. Andy and I just...we happened. 

"You know, I kinda thought that you and I would be...different." Andy explained with a sigh.

"What'd you mean?"

"I like you more as a friend than anything. You'd be an amazing person to open up to and just let everything out on."

"I feel the same way actually."

"I just think...Well I've seen pictures all over social media of you and Cody. It looks like you're happy with him and I don't want to get in between that."

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy. Him and I actually wanted to have a future together and everything instead of not settling down and being on and off."

"If you want, I can help you get him back."

"Oh yeah, how so?"

"Well first I think you should make sure that sex tape of yours doesn't get in his sight." My eyes widened at that.

"Sex tape?! Where in the hell did you find a sex tape?!"

"It was a flash-drive beside your laptop that said play me."

"And you watched it?"

"Of course I did. I'm being really honest here...You'd make a good porn star."

"Andy! Come on! Be serious!" 

"You thought I was kidding?" I narrowed my eyes at him as he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Just show me the video."

--10:53 a.m.--

"So that's what it looked like with Aaron and I.." I trailed off while pulling out the flash-drive. Andy nodded with a sly grin on his face. "What?"

"Porn star."

"Andy I'm gonna kill you!" I exclaimed while hitting him with the nearest magazine to me.

"I'm sure you couldn't if you tried. Come on Maddy, I'm like 6'2 and you're what? 5'5? Yeah, that's hilarious."

"You have 9 inches on me. Big whoop."

"No, the big whoop is how you're hide the flash-drive from Cody." Andy commented while standing up from his crouching position.

"Yeah, I know. Can you hold onto it for me?"

"I can't say I won't watch it."

"Andy I'm serious!"

"Why don't you just toss it in the trash?" I sighed shrugging and yanked the drive from my laptop then shoved it at him.

"Throw it away near your place. The dumpster. No one could find it there right?" With a sigh, Andy tucked it away in his pocket then eyed me. 

"I need my shirt back."

"God, why do I never wear my clothes?!" 

"Because you're a porn star." I rolled my eyes mumbling curse words under my breath as I pulled it off chucking it at him then grabbed a random hoodie from the floor pulling it on. "I should be going.. We've got another show here then we're heading home. I'll probably come and eventually live here just to have some company."

"Aw, I'd love for you to move here. Well I'll see you later right?"

"Yep. Oh and even though we're staying friends, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna kiss you right now." 

I was about to say something, but his lips were already pressed to mine. I laughed kissing back then a few seconds later it ended and we gave each other our last goodbye before he exited my house. Well at least  him and I can be friends. Shit...I've gotta fix things with Cody. I just gotta find out how. This is certainly not gonna be a one day make up session. 

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