7- What The Hell Did We Do?!

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--1 Week Later--

--6:56 p.m.--

"Alright, we're at the store. Did you two wanna come?" Maxx asked as Dan, Zach, and Austin filed off of the bus. Cody scrunched his nose shaking his head and waved off the offer.

"Nah, I'm not really in the mood for shopping." Maxx's eyes traveled over to me as I sighed.

"Yeah, same. You four go on ahead. Take as long as you need." I said generously as Maxx smiled at me then hopped off while shutting and locking the door.

"Alright, so like I was saying before- that guy got what he deserved. It was hilarious." Cody finished as I laughed shaking my head.

"I never knew watching someone pass out was funny." Raising an eyebrow, I took a sip of the bottle in my hand as Cody finished his fourth bottle of beer. I'm surprised he isn't drunk yet.

"It is when they're running around giving you shit." He snickered then both of us awkwardly looked around the room.

"So...what'd you wanna do?" I asked shyly as he nodded towards the back room while getting up. We both walked back there then plopped down on the couch.


"Movie." I laughed and looked down at the stack then found Fault in Our Stars and grinned.

"What'd you wanna-"

"Fault in Our Stars!"

"Ew, fuck no!" He exclaimed making a face.

"Please! I'll do anything, I promise!" I squealed while wrapping my hands around his arm and shook it around a bit like a begging child.




I pouted and gave him my cute begging face that I always use on Maxx. A sigh then escaped his lips as I began to smile.

"Alright, alright. Fine. Just this once." I grinned ear to ear as those words left his mouth then I popped the DVD in the TV and laid back beside Cody as he finished off another beer.

--7:37 p.m.--

A little bit into the movie after a bunch of drama, crying, and arguing, it came the part I didn't know that was going to be in the movie. Augustus and Hazel are getting into it and I looked away awkwardly at Cody just to see him starting to bite his lip while holding onto the couch a little tighter than before. Catching me staring, he glanced down at me. After a few seconds of our eyes keeping contact, he began to lean in then eventually our lips touched. My eyes fluttered closed as the warmness of his lips made my cheeks heat up. My mind kinda just froze at the moment happening right now, but then the gears began to turn again and I pulled away making him furrow his eyebrows.

"Wait, what're you doing?" I asked in a little bit of a rush while trying to settle my heart down from beating too fast.

"I thought I was...I was kissing you." He murmured blinking a few times as I then thought back to what Aaron had done to me.

Shrugging, I grabbed his shirt collar and crashed our lips together as his hands moved down to my waist then lifted me up and onto his lap. My hands ran through his hair lightly pulling at the ends.

--9:23 p.m.--

I "accidentally" pressed Aaron's contact on my phone and within one ring, he picked up making me smirk slightly, but it didn't last long considering the amounts of pleasure that were shooting through my body right now making me yell out a string of curse words. I felt Cody's hands tighten on my hips as I pressed my hands against the window behind his head. After a few minutes, the call ended making me almost laugh but I squeezed my eyes shut while leaning forward as Cody kissed down my neck trying to contain himself as I was able to let loose.

--Next Day--

--8:04 a.m.--

I yawned and felt arms tighten around my waist as I stretched slightly then remembered last night and bit my lip. I never knew that it'd ever happen to us. Maybe it was just the tension that built up over the years?

"Maddy?" A groggily voice mumbled from beside me as I flipped myself around.

"Hm?" My eyes flickered from his hair to his lips a few times before he spoke.

"When are the guys coming back?" I furrowed my eyebrows feeling a bit disappointed in his question, but then leaned down to the floor and grabbed my phone. There were a few texts from my brother saying how they wouldn't be back until noon.

"Noon." We both got up and walked into the kitchen. I pulled out a few pop tarts then placed them in the small toaster. I guess now is the time to speak. "So uh, last night." I said awkwardly and made a weird face at myself for being that way.

"What about it?" What the fuck is that supposed to mean?! What about it? Oh I don't know maybe the fact that we had sex; how your year streak of not getting laid finally shattered. It's a simple little thing to remember.

"You don't remember?" I asked in disappointment then turned towards him.

"Why do you have my shirt on?" He asked then looked down. "And why do I only have boxers on?" I sighed shaking my head then lifted the hem of the shirt and threw it at him as his eyes widened at my appearance while I walked back to my bag and yanked on some shorts and a t-shirt.

"Ya know what? Never mind. It doesn't matter. So how's your hangover?" I rushed trying not to let my voice crack while holding back some emotions that I shouldn't show at this time.

"Painful. Hey, do you have any pain killers on you?" I nodded slowly then went into the bathroom pulling down a small bottle then dumped out two pills. Before leaving, I felt my eyes tears up. I slammed the door shut clenching my fists and forced myself down to the floor and put my face in my hands.

I had about a five minute crying fest before walking out while rubbing my eyes and gave Cody the pills. He took them with some water then gave me a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You seem upset." I shook my head looking down and wiped away the base of a tear before it could fall.

"Yeah, no, it was just allergies." I lied then turned around just as the pop tarts finished.

Putting them on a plate, I grit my teeth together clearly still mad that he doesn't remember. I actually thought for a second that he would've changed and remembered. Don't drunk people remember at least a little bit of what happened the night before? What the hell is this? Amnesia?! I gave Cody his food then got mine and sat at the table across from him.

"So what're you planning to do today?" Cody asked as I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I'm probably just gonna relax until the show tonight."

"What about Natalie? You realize we're in Florida right..?" My eyes widened slightly as I shook my head.

"No, I completely forgot! Oh god, I should surprise her! We need a plan."

"Whatever it is, count me in." I smiled at him forgetting what I was mad about for a second.

"Why're you being so nice to me?" I asked curiously as he shrugged.

"I like seeing you happy. It gives me something to smile about during the day."

"Hating each other in the picture?"

"Just a little." We both laughed and finished our food then placed them in the sink. Maybe I'll just try to forget about what happened last night just for the sake of Cody and I finally getting along again.

I Kinda Hate YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin