25- Three Is Fine, But Five Is A Crowd

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--7 months--

--9:21 a.m.--

Finally, today is the day I get to figure out everything. God, it's been forever it feels like. I yawned while taking another sip of my coffee that Cody insisted I get since we only got a few hours of sleep last night. I need to be better with eating and sleeping for sure. Especially with a baby on the way.

"Carson?" The nurse called. The same one from the first appointment. I grinnaed at her and gave a small wave.

"Hello, how're you two doing so far?" I nodded.

"Pretty good actually! I um-"

"Is that your coffee?" She asked with a concerned look on her face as I sipped it again. My heart skipped a beat at that and I threw it away in the nearest trash can. 

"Uh, nope. What coffee?" She shrugged then turned back around and opened the door to the office for us. I climbed up on the bed and sat comfortably on the edge.

"You said I could have it."

"I didn't read everything!"


"Hey, I have mistakes." I rolled my eyes then leaned back in the chair right when the doctor walked in.

"Holy heavens. Alright.. Madeline. You're doing pretty well for wait.. one child?" I nodded as he shook his head.

"There must be something wrong.. That couldn't be right." My eyes widened as they flickered over to Cody who just shrugged. Thanks, that helped me calm down.

"Oh, I completely forgot to warn the nurse to cancel the last appointment because the machine wasn't working very well. It's good you two came in today. We've gotta fill you in on what's going on." I sighed leaning up on my elbows as he turned the machine on. 

"Alright put this on." He said while handing me a gown then stood up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." I nodded as he left then looked at Cody who was snickering.

"It's not funny." I muttered while shaking my head as he did the same.

"N-Not funny."

"You realize something else is going up there other than you right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and he gulped.

"Uh, I-...Yeah."

"You're gonna be jealous of an ultrasound soon.."

"Shut up, don't encourage my brain to get the wrong idea."

"Too late." I said smirking then lifted my shirt over my head and hopped off the bed. Cody's eyes wandered, but then he looked down at the shirt I tossed at him.

"Yup, visuals are still pretty good." He complimented as I laughed.

"I wish they were better." I slipped on the gown then threw off the rest of my clothes and sat back up on the bed. 

"Here goes nothing." Soon enough the doctor came back in making my muscles tense.

"This won't be that bad I mean.." He started while glancing at Cody and I. We both nervously chuckled as I leaned back into the chair and sighed staring at the ceiling. The cold gel hit a place where it wasn't exactly comfortable making me cringe. Agh...no.

"Well.. it looks like- ..Wow. Did you know about the other two?" He asked and then that's when I heard a loud thump making my eyes flicker over to where Cody was supposed to be standing. Instead he was passed out.. on the floor. Great. 

"I-I uh, no.. I didn't actually."

"And you gained how much?"

"Well in the last five days 17 pounds."

"Here's your answer." I smiled slightly as the cold gel feeling soon left and then he rolled his chair over to the computer.

"The gender's of all the baby's will be available somewhere around two weeks from now. Exactly a week before your birthday I believe." Nodding, I swallowed harshly.

"Um, I'll leave you two be for a little bit." He left.. again. I sighed scooting off the bed then slipped my clothes back on. I nudged Cody with my foot and snickered.

"Cody Charles Carson get your ass up." He moved slightly as I bit my lip trying not to burst out laughing.

"W-Was that a dream?"

"So you didn't pass out because it scared the shit outta you?" He lightly shook his head as I grinned.

"It actually surprised the shit outta me."

Cody's POV:

--1:11 p.m.--

I smiled as Maddy shifted in her sleep on the couch. She seems pretty happy with this whole situation. Did she really forget about the whole situation with Aaron? Or is she trying to hide the fact that it's still bothering her? Maddy always has been good at hiding what bothers her or how she's feeling towards someone or something.. especially during high school. I was so fucking oblivious to how I really felt about her all the way until graduation when I saw her in the audience for her brother. I just couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful then and is just as gorgeous now. Maybe I should try and step up as a person to help her out a little more than I already am. We need to take care of Aaron, get her and her family together to actually bond instead of ignoring each other for weeks, and then make sure she's going to work everyday. I'm not the only one that has to take care of things around here..

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