29- Fail

42 1 0

--9 months..--

--10:27 a.m.--

The doorbell rang making me squeal in excitement while skipping over to the door. Cody followed right behind me as I opened the door just to see Natalie standing there with a big smile on her face. I pulled her inside and invited her into a tight hug. 

"Good, everyone's here!" I exclaimed while walking her over to the living room so she could sit down. Mom, the boys, and Natalie were all here waiting for the good news that I explained I'd tell them when they all got here. 

"So other other day, Maddy and I went out on a date and spent the day together.." Cody started off as I kept smiling.

"It was a very special date." I added on then looked down at my hand that had the ring on it. 

"I'd like to present, future Mrs. Carson." Cody said as I put my hand out with the diamond ring on it. Natalie started squealing in excitement as Mom began tearing up. The boys cheered as I laughed then felt an extreme pain in my stomach. I doubled over in pain and furrowed my eyebrows then the pain went away. I sighed and shook it off, but then the pain came back ten times worse. I groaned and held my stomach as I squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Hun, are you alright?" Mom asked while rushing to my side as I nodded trying to sit up again,  finally stood up straight, but felt even worse. 

"No, no. I know Madeline. She's not." Maxx said while getting up from the couch and took my hand in his. I walked forward a few steps before turning around and plopped down on the couch. Everyone got up so I could have some room. 

"Wh-What's happening Mom?" I asked while looking up at her. She smiled. What the fuck is she smiling for? I'm in pain.

"I think you're going into labor." My heart nearly skipped a beat. Labor?!

"No, no. Not today! Please no." I pleaded while putting my head in my hands and pulled at my hair. The room got quiet for a minute as I got up feeling something wet. Natalie looked behind me and her eyes widened.

"Yeah, hun, you're going into labor." She nodded. 

--11:59 a.m.--

"Come on Maxx, drive faster." Cody rushed as I squeezed his hand tighter than before. I shook my head feeling a long contraction start. 

"Dear god!" I yelled while setting my forehead on the back of the passenger seat.

"Just breath Maddy. In....and out." Cody instructed. I did as told right when we pulled into the emergency lane of the hospital.

Natalie and the boys ran ahead of Cody and I to open the two sets of double doors. We rushed inside and the front desk lady's eyes widened at the sight. She called a few nurses into the emergency room and they showed up with a wheelchair. I sat down in it and that's where the journey back to the delivery room began.. Oh man, this is really happening.

I cried the whole way back to the delivery room and held the handles of the wheelchair tightly. The few nurses that trailed behind the nurse controlling the wheelchair and I were all jogging down after us. The nurse steering the wheelchair just attempted to help control my breathing. Once we were in the delivery room, I was gently, but quickly placed on the hospital bed. The doctor then rushed into the room and by my side. My sides ached and my head pounded as I cried into my hands as pain washed over me.

"Maddy... Maddy, look at me." I widened my fingers and looked up at Cody as he stood there looking very concerned and worried. I shook my head and sobbed moving to hands and gripped the sides of the bed as a sudden horrible pain hit me for a few seconds. "I love you." And with those words, that's where the rest of the birth began taking place.

--10:23 p.m.--

I was in labor for nearly twelve hours before the contractions were about 2 minutes apart. The pain was so unbearable that I couldn't even get up, so I had to lay in the hospital bed for all of those hours. Cody had gone out with Dan, Austin, and Zach to get me drinks and some snacks for afterwards. Maxx was sitting in the chair next to the bed with his head in his hand nearly asleep. I frowned and faced the ceiling. My eyes began welling up with tears as I covered my face with my hands. My legs crossed together as the pain became nearly unbearable. A nurse walked in to check on me a few minutes later and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hun, what's wrong?" I sobbed waking Maxx up as the Nurse tried to shush me. I shook my head and batted her hand away.

"I don't wanna!" I yelled while grabbing at my hair. It seemed as though I was three again throwing a fit because I don't want to do something.

"Do what Mads?" Maxx asked clearly concerned.

"I'm not ready!" I squealed. At that moment, Cody walked in with a Coke in his hand and a concerned look on his face.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked me and ran to my side. 

"Cody, I can't."

"Can't what?"

"This!" I yelled and pointed to my stomach while crying hysterically. 

"No, no, no, sweetie you'll be okay." The nurse reassured me. I gave her a dirty look.

"And have you ever given birth?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly, sweetie, so don't try and calm me down."

"Madeline, chill."

"Don't tell me to chill, Cody! I don't know what I'm doing, it's scary. I'm going to be a horrible mom.." I breathed out and looked at the nurse. "Can you get a damn doctor in here?"

"Maddy, stop it! Now." Maxx scolded me. "Mom taught you that if you ever want something to turn out right, you stay positive. Don't yell at everyone just because you're freaking out about it." I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the bed as the doctor and a few other nurses walked in. 

"What do we have here?"

"Triplets." I told him in an extremely vague way. He chuckled shaking his head and rolled his chair down in front of me as I looked up at the ceiling. Can't they just like.. not look down there? 

"Cody, is my mom coming in here?" Maxx asked him as Cody shrugged. "What a nice mother." He growled and stormed out of the room. Cody held onto my hand probably tighter than I was holding his. 

"Now, Madeline.. Deep breaths. We're going to try and do this as quick and painless as possible." The doctor reassured me as I nodded.

I felt a stick in my arm making me look down at the new IV full of pain medicine stuck in my arm. Sighing, I did as the doctor told me. Before I knew it, I was actually giving birth. By this time, Mom and Maxx were in the room trying to help calm my nerves. Mom had a wet rag pressed to my head while Maxx held my other hand. I couldn't ask for anything better than this; surrounded by the ones I love the most. Natalie isn't here, but she's in the waiting room. It took around an hour to deliver baby number one. Crying had filled my ears giving me hope for the next two. I tried my best to deliver baby number two, but it seemed much harder to get all of my energy into it. I pushed and felt my head go light as I cried at the pain. I took a few deep breaths and pushed one last time before baby number two was born. More crying. I was delighted to hear the sounds of my children fill my ears. For some reason, the third time was like I didn't even have to try. There wasn't any crying though. 

I had opened my eyes and looked up at Cody as he had a frown on his face so I glanced at the doctor as he held in his arms a stillborn baby. My eyes filled with tears as I reached out to it wanting to hold it before I have to let it go. He grabbed a blanket from a drawer and wrapped the baby up to give to me. Taking it in my shaking arms, I caressed it's soft cheek before a tear slipped down my cheek and landed on it's cooling skin. I pressed a sweet kiss on the top of it's head before handing him back to the doctor. 

Having triplets for Maddy Danziger, a failed attempt...

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