27- Excuses, Excuses..

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--8 1/2 months--

--11:24 a.m.-- 

"So how have you and Cody been?" Natalie asked as I looked through some more of the maternity clothes on the rack.

"Uh, we're fine it's just.."

"What happened Mads?" She asked as I chuckled a little.

"Well we haven't like..." I trailed off trying to see if it'd hint at anything.

"Had sex?" She began laughing, but then stopped soon after seeing that I was being serious. "Wait really? I thought that he'd be all over you still. When's the last time it happened?" I frowned.

"Like two months ago."

"No birthday sex?" I shook my head and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Has he been acting weird?"

"Not really.. He comes home at 5:30 everyday after band practice."

"Uh.. They don't practice everyday. I just saw Maxx, Zach, Dan, and Austin out the other day shopping." I felt a pang in my chest, but I shook it off and plastered a fake smile on my face.

"I'm sure he was just in the bathroom or something while they were out." I reassured myself as Natalie rolled her eyes while looking on the shelves for baby clothes.

"Whatever you say, Mads. I'm just worried for you." She said as I shook my head.

"It'll be fine. Can we just go now? This store makes me wanna gag." I whispered before making a choking sound as she laughed.

"Sure thing."

--3:05 p.m.--

"Thanks for the lift home, Nat. I love you." I shouted at her from the entrance of the apartment. She waved at me with a grin on her face.

"I love you too. Be good!" I chuckled and unlocked the door before walking inside with a few grocery bags. I noticed Cody laying on the couch facing the cushions and the TV at a low volume. 

Frowning, I walked into the kitchen and put up some of the food I bought then put the empty plastic bags under the counter in the cabinet before walking to our room with the maternity clothes in my hands. I threw them in the laundry basket after taking off the tags then heard my name being called softly from the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked in a low tone. Cody's husky sleepy voice reached my ears sending shivers up my spine.

"Can you get me a glass of water and two aspirin?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me then sighed.

"Does your head hurt or something?" I asked worriedly and I heard him get up.


"Y-You were drinking?" I came back out of the bathroom with what he asked for. Cody nodded then rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Why're you so upset about that?" I handed him the aspirin and the water then shook my head and sat next to him leaving a little space between us. 

"I'm not. I was just curious. You haven't had a hangover for quite a while so it's kind of surprising. I mean I'm just kinda worried about you. We've been distancing ourselves from each other and I don't know why, but I miss you and I just-" I was cut off by Cody's lips pressing against mine which lead into a steamy make out session. He grabbed my hips and directed me across his lap so that I was straddling him. Oh how I've missed this. His hands, his lips, all of him. I wish- My thoughts were interrupted by his phone buzzing from his back pocket.

"Hello?" I heard a higher voice from the other side of the phone making my shoulders slump. "Oh yeah. Sorry I was busy. I'll be there in ten. Yeah see ya. Can't wait." He then hung up the phone and looked at me. I saw a look in his eyes that I've never seen before making a lump form in my throat.

"Wh-Who was that?" I asked nervously.

"The guys want me to go out to look at designs for the band shirts with them. I'll be back in like three hours." 

"Alright. I'll see you later then." He got up as I slid off of him back on the couch and watched as he walked out of the apartment. Little did that dumbass know was that he already used that excuse not too long ago. I officially broke down. 

He can't be going to see another girl can he? I doubt it, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised. Cody's hot as hell and I'm a disgusting pig. Hell, I haven't shaved my legs for months because I can barley see them. This pregnancy shit really messed me up. I used to look so great and I took good care of myself, but with everything on my plate, I'm trying to take care of everything else.

--9:27 p.m.--

I laid in bed with thoughts running through my head. My eyes kept growing heavier and heavier with each passing second. Cody said two to three hours, not six. Honestly, I'm close to just giving up and not caring. He's probably doing what I thought he was. Maybe sleeping it off will help ease my mind. After all, I could be wrong. Not all guys are the same. Cody's sweet and wouldn't hurt me anymore than he already did. And with that last thought, I dozed off into a deep sleep.

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