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Arabella's p.o.v

I had left the hospital wing, it was three in the morning, the sun was far from rising, and my head hurt like a bitch, but I felt claustrophobic, more than ever. I knew that I shouldn't leave, I had only just woken up and Madame Pomfrey didn't even know that yet. I remember falling unconscious, and a few minutes ago I woke up in the hospital, with my dear friends sleeping on the uncomfortable chairs beside me. I felt terrible, I couldn't stop thinking about what my life had become and how annoying my friends must find me, always in the hospital wing.

I was pathetic.

It was easier than I thought, sneaking out of the castle and onto the grounds. I guess Filch was resting somewhere. I had made it to the lake, I was sitting on a boulder, watching small ripples travel across the vast span of water in front of me, the wind was calming, and I listened to the branches moving in the trees around me, it calmed me and I tried to focus on just that, avoid thinking about my pain.

I don't know what happened, but I knew that I needed to stop. I was being pathetic, my anxiety was becoming a huge problem and if I wasn't carefuly, everyone would think I was annoying and leave. I really don't think I could handle it if they all decided I wasn't worth their time anymore... But, honestly, it wouldn't surprise me.

I guess hours must have flown past as I focused on the trees rustling and the water rippling, because before I could realise it, birds were chirping and the sun was peaking over the horizon, beginning the cold winters day.

I knew I should head back to the hospital, but honestly I was too tired, and I really didn't want the smell of hospital and the feeling of entrapment, I just don't think I could handle that. So I simply stayed where I was, not caring how cold I was, or how I was probably getting more ill... I just didn't care.

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