Chapter Forty Six: Eloise

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I was so bored. It was currently hot as hell outside and my building had just lost air conditioning. Obviously the only way to react was to lay in the middle of the floor, in my underwear, with three fans blowing on me.

Yet, that still didn't work. I was bored, hot, and did I mention bored? There was obviously only one solution, I had to find someone to do something with.

My first thought was Pj, but that wouldn't work. He had to visit his sister today. My next idea was Phil. Again, wouldn't work. He was trying to film a video, and Howl was trying to figure things out with Jackson. I texted both of them earlier. Maia was an option, but she had to go to the publishing office to choose a cover for her book. Amelie was also there, but she was busy with Chris.

All my friends had lives, and then there was me. They were out doing things while I laid on my floor in my underwear. I need to get a life.

True, I have painting, and I have YouTube, but that's not really a life. I needed more friends, maybe something to do besides paint. Maybe I could get a different job. Something that gets me outside and doing stuff.

No, that wouldn't work. I have tried to get a job before, and it didn't work out. When I was a waitress, I dropped everything. When I worked in a store, I misplaced everything. And I couldn't be behind a desk, I would go mad.

The only thing left was what I already did. And that could only take up so much time. I was stuck.

The doorbell rang a few moments later, distracting me from my thoughts. I groaned, rolling over to get to a standing position. The person knocked as well, causing me to shout, "Hold on a minute! God only gave me two legs!"

I grabbed a large tee from the couch. It fell past my underwear. For all the person knows, I could be wearing very short shorts.

I went to the door and flung it open. Standing there was Dan. He wore a white tee and the shortest shorts I have ever seen on a man. I covered my eyes and retched, "Dan! Holy shit! You're scaring me!"

He looked down at his shorts and sneered, "It's hot, alright! I should be the one scarred, you're not even wearing pants!"

I peered through my fingers and frowned. He was glaring back at me.

"I suppose you want to come in," I sighed.

"Yes, and please put some pants on."

I rolled my eyes and let him in. Quickly grabbing a pair of shorts, I threw them on as he turned his back. When I was done, he turned around.

"First of all, those shorts would be to short on a midget, let alone a six foot tree!"

"Hang off it, Elly," he sneered, "It's hot, deal with it."

I grumbled a few obscenities before laying down in the midst of the fans again. Dan scooted a couple around and laid down next to me.

"I was so bored," he muttered, closing his eyes.


We laid there for a few more minutes before Dan suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at me, "Do you like Maia?"

"Are you serious?" he looked at me with a straight face, "Oh, you're serious. Duh, she's one of my best friends."

He returned his gaze to the cieling, "I love her."

I looked at him for a minute. His face was all distant and dreamy. He seemed resolved in his decision. All I could say was, "It's about time."

He jerked his head to look at me, "What?"

"You and Maia have been making googly eyes at each other since we met her at Hot Topic," I chuckled, "It's about time one of you grew a pair and confessed."

Dan turned a bright shade of crimson. I laughed as he returned his gaze to the cieling.

"The only problem is Howl," he mumbled.

I lifted an eyebrow, "What's wrong with Howl?"

"She hates Maia, and the idea that I'm dating her," Dan grimaced, "She's my sister, and I love her, but..." he trailed off.

I sighed, "Howl's having her own issues, I guess it's affecting her perception."

"I'm just worried," he hesitated, "What if she makes me choose between Maia and her? She's my sister, but I love Maia."

I sat up and looked down at him, "Is that really what's bugging you?"

He nodded slowly. I shook my head and sucked in a large breath.

"If Howl does make you choose, it's her own loss. One day she'll realize, and she'll come to terms with it."

He looked up at me with somber eyes, "Are you sure? She seems pretty against the idea of Maia and me."

"I'm sure," I nodded, "She's your sister, she should want you to be happy."

Dan smiled, "That's how Phil thought when you told him you were dating Pj."

I sighed. We both looked up at the cieling for a few more minutes. I could've sworn the room continued to get hotter and hotter with every passing second.

"I wish we had a pool," I mumbled.

Dan nodded. The only pools anywhere nearby belonged to Hotels, and they only let guests swim. Pieces of crap.

"Hey, are you going to Vidcon this year?" he asked.

It had just become June, and Vidcon was in August. Now was about the time everybody got their invite.

"Yeah, I got my invite two days ago," I replied, "What about you and Phil?"

Dan nodded, "Yup. I was thinking of inviting Maia and Howl to come too. They don't have to attend Vidcon, but they can come to LA."

"They would like that."

Pj was already invited to Vidcon, so was Chris. Phil didn't know it, but Pj and I planned to have the same room. IF Phil found out, he would go ballistic. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't be mad at him for being protective like that. A lot of things have happened. 

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