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"Please, give me another chance, Miss Edwards. I promise, I'll pay you next month." She pleaded.

"I have given you enough time." She said cold-heartedly. "But if you can't pay me back then fine."

"What do you mean?" The lady asked, obviously frightened by the devilish smirk playing on her lips.

"I'll just change your charges, I don't need your money."

She spoke and walked towards the table, where different picture frames were placed. She picked one and heard the lady plead.

"No please, not my daughter. I'd pay you next month, I swear."

The lady was afraid. Scared even. She knows the blonde and what she could do to innocent people. She could kill somebody in just one snap.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her. I know that's what you're thinking." Her tone still as cold as before. "I want her."

Her eyes are glued on the picture that she was holding.

"Please," the lady started. "Not her, she's the only thing I got. Don't take her."

Her attention was now on the lady. Her stare was deadly, just like her.

"Am I asking for your opinion?" She asked the lady. "Whether you like it or not, she's mine."

She gave her a smile but she seemed to frightened to look at it because she knows its an evil one.

"Please, take anything but not her."

As of this point now, the woman was on her knees, begging for the blonde to not take her daughter away. Tears streamed down her eyes.

"She's the only thing that could pay for all your charges." She said flatly and placed the frame back on the table. "You still have one day to spend with her, so if I were you I'll cherish it now rather than begging. Because starting tomorrow, she's my property."

And with that, the blonde left without another word. But before she could even get out of their house, she saw a devilish smirk on her lips.

"Such a heartless bitch," She said and cried her eyes out, til' she felt numb.


"Mam! I'm home!" Jade entered their house and plopped her things on the couch as her voice echoed around their small house.

She just finished her late night shift at Nando's and now she's back. She have many jobs, well they kinda needed more money for them to pay rent in this small apartment they have.

"Ah you're here! How was work? Have you eaten yet? Are you tired?" She was bombarded by questions as her mother stood on the kitchen door.

Jade was confused to why her mother acted this way. Usually, she'll be met with her yelling and scolding. But today was different. Really different.

"Mam, are you okay?"

"Of course dear! Come, let's eat dinner." She said and ushered the girl inside their dining table.

The geordie was really confused to why her mother had acted this way, but she went for it. Afterall, this was the first time her mother had treated her like this.

"Jadey, leave that there. I'll take care of it." Her mother insisted and took the plates from her daughter.

"Are you sure Mam? Is everything alright?" Her mother only nodded in reply.

'Something's definitely up', she thought before going inside her room.


Hours had passed and Jade grew more curious to why her mother acted this way. She seemed to care more for her daughter today, and that's kinda odd for her. She couldn't even sleep, thinking why her mother changed eventually.

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