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"He's here, Miss," Harry said as soon as the blonde entered her office. She placed all her stuff on her desk and gave the curly-haired boy a nod, signaling him to let the guest enter. 

A slightly tall British man entered the room along with her two bodyguards. He looks younger at his age. And this was the very first time that they had seen each other face to face. Just by the look, he's giving her right now, Perrie could tell how powerful he truly is. 

Perrie motioned him to take a sit.

"Would you like something to drink, Mister Thirlwall?" She offered. But the old man shook his head.

"Business is what I came here for, Miss Edwards, not your hospitality. But I appreciate it." His voice was thick and deep. "Can we start now?" Perrie nodded. "Let's talk about your wife."

The blonde's face became blank. "I thought we're going to talk about business? My wife isn't part of this." 

"Don't play dumb with me, Miss Edwards. I know you know what I came here for." James said, seriously.

"Then what do you want from me?" 

"I want her back. I want my daughter back." He said. 

"You want her back? Then why are you here? This isn't a lost and found company."

Mister Thirlwall scoffed. "I shouldn't be saying this but...I need your help, Miss Edwards. I know that you're the only one that could help me find her."

"You're asking help from your competitor? Wow, that's new."

"If it wasn't for my daughter, I won't ever ask help from an Edwards." He said meaningfully. "So...are you gonna help me or not?"

"I can't decide yet. But we'll see. I often change my mind." The blonde answered with a smirk on her face. 

The old man sighed because of that. It was never easy to talk to an Edwards and he doesn't accept any kind of rejection. But the situation is different. His daughter is involved and he would do everything to have her back. 


When Perrie got home, she immediately made her way to their kitchen. And there, she was met by her wife dancing to the beat of Jonas Blue's song while cooking. The blonde smiled because of what she's seeing right now. 

When she was a kid, her Mom was the only girl she had loved. She never knew that she would love Jade as much as how she loved her Mother. They are the only two persons in the blonde's life that showed her what love really is. She's glad Jade came to her life and taught her how to love again.

She bit her lip when her eyes trailed down her wife's long tanned legs. She's only wearing one of Perrie's super oversized shirt that hangs just below her ass. Her body was swaying to the beat of the song and Perrie couldn't help but be amazed. She could stand there all day long and just watch her wife dance.

"Perrie!" Jade almost jumped when she saw her wife standing there, her eyes fixed on her legs. 

"Hey..." Perrie said in a breathy way before she wrapped her arms around the petite girl's waist. "Did I surprised you?"

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Hmm...just a couple of minutes. Enough for me to witness you dancing." This caused Jade to blush hard. She felt embarrassed all of a sudden. "Don't worry wife, you look sexy when you dance. You're a great dancer to be perfectly honest. Maybe you could dance for me the next time we make love. Oh, I would be so tur----"

"Perrie!" Jade slapped her arm because of that. She feels so embarrassed and what the blonde told her didn't help at all. It just made her blush even more.

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