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One year and six months since their so called wedding. Things have changed after that. Well, some of it.

Perrie decided for them to go and look for another place to stay because her mansion was too big for the both of them, well to Jade only since the blonde was still busy at work and rarely comes home. In that one whole year, they didn't have a decent conversation. Even for once. Jade'll always open up a topic but the blonde always replies with just one word.

Perrie was a very busy person. Jade could see that. She surely wished she could be busy one day too, but that couldn't happen since she can't do a damn thing at their house.

She was disturbed when the door opened. It was Perrie.

"Follow me." The blonde strictly said. Jade was obviously confused to what's going to happen but as usual, she did what she was told.

She made her way out of her room and followed the blonde in her room.

Once she was inside, her eyes roamed around the room. It was bigger than hers. So much bigger. Perrie's room was surprisingly neat, 'unlke her attitude', Jade had thought.

From where she was standing, she had good look of the things that were inside. There was a flat screen television beside her small bookshelf. Her bed was huge. And there's one picture hanging on the wall. It was a picture of stars. Too much of her curiousity, she wondered why the blonde have a picture like that.

Perrie really is one mysterious person.

To Jade's realization, she remembered the reason why she was here. Perrie told her to follow her inside. But the blonde was nowhere in sight. 'She asked me to follow her but where is she now?' She asked herself.

And just right then, Perrie came out of one door, which Jade assumed was the bathroom, because the blonde came out with only a towel covering her lower body and a sports bra. Jade admitted, the blonde was really fit. She wonder how hard her flat stomach might be, seeing it very toned.

Jade mentally pinched herself of what she was thinking.

"Uhh, I'll just wait o—outside," She said unknowingly and turned to the door. Now she knows the consequences she'll face if she ever do this again. She mentally noted herself to knock before you enter since she just followed the blonde inside without asking permission.

"Don't you dare open that door." She heard Perrie said, coldly. She brought her hand back to her side. "Turn and face me." The blonde commanded and Jade obliged but kept her attention on the ground. "Look at me." She said and Jade slowly looked up only to be met by the blonde's ocean blue eyes, who seemed to be dull in Jade's opinion.

She slowly walked to the brunette, her eyes fixed on her caramel ones.

Once they were only a feet apart, Perrie stopped and glanced at the brunette who seemed to be sweating. "You're sweating, why?" She suddenly asked and walked further more close to the brunette.

"Uhm, could you please stop there? Don't go near me, please?" She nervously said and looked down on the floor again. But since Perrie was only a few inches away, she held her chin up, making the brunette look at her again.

"You didn't answer my question." She said coldly. Jade couldn't answer herself as well. She didn't know why she was sweating, the room was aircontioned, its not even hot in here. Maybe its because of how close they are right now. Yeah, maybe that was the reason.

Jade was about to push the blonde away, but her words stopped her. "Don't touch me," she warned the brunette. "You might regret it."

They stayed like that for a minute, Jade still sweating and the blonde inching closer to her. After a good five minutes, the blonde turned and walked towards her closet, leaving a nervous and gulping Jade.

"Pack your things. We'll leave tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" She asked nicely.

"Don't ask, just do what you are told." She said bluntly. "You can leave now."

Jade scampered off walking outside the room, but took one last glance at the blonde who was now wearing a nice crop top.


Jade couldn't sleep. The scene earlier occupied her mind.

'Why is she like that? I mean, why would she do that? And where is she taking me now?' The brunette asked herself while staring at the ceiling.

"I just need to hope for the best. Dear Lord help me." She said before giving into sleep.


On the other hand, the blonde entered the bathroom once Jade went out. She undressed herself and let herself wet again. She couldn't believe what she was about to do.

Her hand gripped her member and started pumping it. She moaned her wife's name as she continued to pump herself. "Ugh, Jade..." she moaned out. "Fuck," she whispered as she let herself cum in one last stroke.

She didn't know what kind of effect the brunette had given her, but it surely turned her on.


In the middle of the night, Perrie was still awake, her eyes were darted on the ceiling, thinking about the brunette on the room next to her. Different thoughts clouded her mind.

Then Perrie couldn't take it anymore and walked towards the brunette's room. The door creaked open and there she saw the brunette laying on the bed, fast asleep. 'She looked so peaceful, just like a princess.', she thought.

She walked towards the bed and tucked a few strands of hair that was blocking Jade's face. She couldn't help but admire how beautiful her wife is.

"I'm sorry." She said and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before walking out and looked for the heaviest drink in her bar that'll make sure to put her to sleep.


I bet you guys have questions about this story, don't worry, it'll be answered in the next chapters. Hope you enjoyed this one!


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