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Jade woke up because of the loud banging sound coming from the door. Even if everything feels so heavy, she got up and opened the door. And walking a few steps away from the bed, she realized that she isn't in her room. She's inside their room. 

She also noticed that the clothes she wore last night were different from the clothes she's wearing right now. She remembered Perrie ripping her shirt last night and she thought that maybe this over large shirt she's wearing right now was Perrie's.

Thinking about Perrie made her remember what happened earlier. She sighed and continued her way to the door.

"Liam?" It's Perrie's bodyguard.

"Good evening, Miss Jade. Miss Ed---I mean, Miss Camila asked me to give this to you." He said and handed her a bag. 

"What is this for?" She asked while looking at the bag.

"She told me that you should wear that for the party later." He said with full respect. Even if the blonde wasn't around to watch him, he still remained to be as respectful as he is when she's around. "I have to go now, Miss." Jade just nodded and closed the door.

'Oh shoot, I forgot about the party.' She admitted to herself as she took the black bikini that has sparkles all around. She liked it, obviously. This kind of design was her favorite. 

But although she did want the bikini, she doesn't want to go to the party anymore. But she knows that she had to go or else Camila might be mad at her.

So she had no other choice but to take the bikini and prepare herself for the party.

She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She isn't comfortable with the bikini alone so she put on some shorts and a see-through shirt. Purple-ish marks that Perrie made were a little visible on her neck so she tried to cover it with the shirt. 

Remembering what happened made her heart feel heavy. What Perrie had done will never be erased from her mind. 

"Try not to think about her, Jade. Just...try to have fun at the party later." She gave herself a pep talk. But how will she enjoy it if her wife would be there with her?


"Happy birthday Mila," Niall greeted his friend with a kiss. "Here's my gift."

"Thanks, Ni!" She said cheerfully, before giving him a quick hug. Harry was the next one to greet her. 

"Hey, Cam-cam, happy birthday!" He greeted with much enthusiasm. He handed a small box to her. "And here's my gift, you'll like it more than what Niall got for you." He smirked.

Camila laughed and ruffled the curly-haired boy's curls. "I'm pretty sure I'll like what the both of you got me, but thank you."

Harry then asked where will they be seated and just when Camila was about to lead them there, they remembered that Jade and Perrie are still missing.

"Where are the lovebirds, by the way?" The birthday girl asked. " I haven't seen them since this morning."

Niall slowly pointed at Perrie who's currently talking to her bodyguard, Liam. And as if on cue, Perrie started to walk away from him, hands in her pocket as she walked to the three of them. Everyone she passed by couldn't help but look at her. She's only wearing her beach shorts and a bikini alone but she looked so sexy and hot. No wonder that all eyes were on her as she made her way towards her friends.

"Happy birthday," She greeted her and gave her a cute pink paper bag. Camila took it with a smile.

"Thanks, Per, where's your wife by the way?" The Cuban girl asked while looking behind the blonde's shoulder. 

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