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It was past nine when the wedded couple got back to their house from their date. Jade slouched onto the couch the minute they entered the door and sighed. She was obviously tired.

They had a typical romantic date. Perrie took her to a fancy restaurant. Then they went to watch a movie which has a romantic genre, due to Jade's request. And then they went to an ice cream parlor after that. 

Everything was almost perfect tonight...if it wasn't for Perrie and her seemed to be bipolar sickness. 

Speaking of the blonde, as soon as she entered the house, Jade rolled her eyes at her and crossed her arms. 

"I didn't mean to—"

"Don't talk to me. I'm so pissed at you right now." Jade cut her off for the very first time. The blonde was about to approach her but she held out her hand. "Do not go near me." But Perrie didn't listen and still approached her. She sat next to the brunette. 

"I'm sorry...okay?"

"Why are you apologizing to me? Am I the one who you punched in the face?" The brunette's tone was still pissed.

"That's the point...you weren't the one who got hurt yet you're acting like you are." Perrie reasoned. Jade glared at her and the blonde just shrugged her shoulders.

"Of course I'm acting this way! Because you punched my best friend in the face!"

It was true. Perrie did punch Randall in the face without any reason why. It was an out of nowhere action. And she didn't even apologize for what she did. 

"Best friend? Was he your best friend? Then why did you let him kiss you on the lips?" She said sarcastically.

"Ugh! I've told you a thousand times already, he did not kiss me on the lips! It was a peck on the cheek." Jade said frustratedly.

"Even if it was just a peck on the cheek, the fact that he kissed you made me want to punch his ugly face."

Again, Jade just rolled her eyes. She hates to admit that what her wife had done made her feel special since it felt like she was jealous of her best friend. But when she remembered the mark left on her Randall's face, she couldn't help but still be pissed at the blonde. She only sees him only twice every year yet her lunatic wife punched him in the face.  

"Are you still upset?" Perrie asked. The brunette didn't answer. "I've apologized for a lot of times already. Until now, you still won't forgive me?" The only answer she got was silence.

She looked at her wife and saw her crossed arms and pouty face. It made her want to kiss her lips again. 

There's really something about the brunette that she couldn't resist.

"If you won't forgive me, I'll kiss you." She threatened. "And I won't stop until your lips are sore. Hmm?" The blonde said with a smirk on her face. 

Jade's cheeks blushed because of what the blonde had just said but the brunette composed herself and hid it. 'I'm gonna hit you square in the balls if you try and kiss me right now.' She said in her mind. 

Her eyes widened when the blonde's action caught her off-guard. The blonde pulled her close and placed her hands on the brunette's shoulders to make her look at her. She pursed her lips.

"You're not afraid of me anymore, aye?" Perrie whispered. Their faces are only inches apart and Jade could feel the blonde's breath on her lips. "I'll count from one to three and if you still won't forgive me...I'll kiss you until your lips are sore, like what I said earlier." She added. 

"One..." Jade still remained silent. Earlier, she wouldn't talk to Perrie because she was really pissed. But now? She couldn't talk because she was nervous. 

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