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A week had passed and Perrie was as busy at work as ever. She's been having a lot of trips these past few days since she has to visit some of her branches that faced a little problem. She was very hands-on to the company since she didn't want the other companies to get the deals that big companies are offering her.

"You can handle everything, right? I have to go now." Perrie told Harry.

"Yeah, I'll work on everything." He assured the blonde.

Perrie just nodded and made her way over to the Liam who's waiting for her near the car. He gladly opened the door for her and they made their way out of the airport. Yes, Perrie just got back to Shields after her out of town trip in New York together with Harry. The both of them had to talk to the big bosses there and she trusted the lad to fix the other things left before leaving him there at the airport.

She trusts the lad so much since they were friends as well. She knows he could do anything she asks. But when it comes to Jade? She doesn't seem to trust him.

She sighed. She hates to admit it but she misses the brunette. She misses her so bad.

"How is she?" She asked Liam.

"She's fine, Miss. Miss Cabello and her girlfriend are visiting her always." He answered, eyes still focused on the road. "Oh, and she asked me to take her to visit an old friend yesterday."

"An old friend?" Her brows furrowed and she seemed to be interested in what he was saying all of a sudden.

Liam nodded. "Yes, Miss. I think Randall was the name if I'm not mistaken."

She didn't respond. She just went silent all throughout the car ride after that. 'Who the hell is that Randall person?' She asked herself while getting out of the car, brows still furrowed.

She opened the door and there she was met by her wife who was sitting on the couch, obviously waiting for her. She caught the brunette's attention as she opened the door further more and she immediately ran towards the blonde's direction.

"Perrie!" She greeted her with a huge smile and attacked her with a hug which caught the blonde off-guard. Her furrowed brows disappeared.

"Why are you still awake? It's nearly midnight." The blonde said in a soft tone. Jade pulled away.

"I was waiting for you." She pouted. Perrie gulped. Oh, how she missed those lips of hers.

"Let's go upstairs. You should rest now."

And they went upstairs. Just before the blonde left for her out of town trip, Jade had moved all her stuff at Perrie's room and the both of them are now staying in only one room. But this'll be the first time that they'll sleep together in this room.

When Jade got out of the bathroom, Perrie was already laying down on their bed, eyes closed her arm was on her stomach and the other one at the back of her head used as a pillow. She was already sleeping.

The brunette made her way over to where the blonde was laying and stared at her for a moment. 'She looked so peaceful.' She told herself as she memorized every part of her face. She admits that she had missed her wife even if they just didn't see each other for a week.

She was contemplating with herself on whether she should lie next to her wife or just sleep on the couch. The brunette was still not used sleeping next to her wife. That's why she decided to sleep on the couch instead of laying next to her. She grabbed her blanket and pillows and made her way over the couch.

"What do you think you're doing?" Perrie asked the brunette. It surprised Jade to hear her voice since she thought that she already fell asleep.

"Sleeping..." She simply said and fixed the pillows on the couch.

"You're not sleeping there." The blonde said. She stood up, which Jade was unaware of, and took all the pillows and blanket from the couch and placed it back to there bed. "You'll be sleeping here...beside me." She added and lied down once again.

"No, I'm good. I'll be okay with sleeping on the couch." And she attempted to grab the pillow but Perrie halted her.

"If you don't want to sleep beside me, then I'll be the one who'll sleep on the couch. You sleep here on the bed." She said coldly and grabbed her pillow before laying down on the couch.

Jade just stared at the blonde's back as she tried to make herself comfortable on the couch. The brunette noticed that her legs were hanging at the end since the couch wasn't that roomy. She also noticed how uncomfortable the blonde's position was. And for that, Jade felt guilty.

"Okay fine. Let's sleep beside each other." She said but Perrie didn't move. "Hey, Perrie,"

When the blonde still remained on her place, Jade walked towards her and tapped her shoulder.

"Perrie..." She still ignored her wife. So Jade hugged her back. "I want to sleep beside you of course, but I'm still shy when I'm around you." Still no response. "If you won't sleep next to me tonight then I guess I'll just sleep on the floor."

And then she felt her wife move and faced her. Jade smiled at her but her face remained blank. Perrie stood up and walked back to the bed and quickly lied down. Jade didn't waste any time and followed her wife over the bed. She frowned when she was still met by the blonde's back. Jade thinks that she hurt the blonde's feeling earlier that's why she's acting this way. So she inched closer to her and wrapped her arm around her wife.

"Sorry..." She muttered and nuzzled her face into the blonde's neck.

Perrie was surprised by the brunette's sudden action but didn't dare to move and just savored the moment where Jade wrapped her around her arms.

And somehow, Perrie felt contented.


A little fluff for y'all!

Oh yeah, gyle09 calm2693 and fangirlrosie03 are my favorite authors. I love their works so much and they inspire me as well. If you haven't read any of their works yet, I suggest you do because they are amazing!

I truly am overwhelmed and greatful for those who said that I'm their favorite author, I'm honored. I mean, I didn't expect that at all but thanks anyway! I love you guys!

Btw, if you have a twitter acc go ahead and tweet anything with the hashtag #MPN #LittleMix to vote for the girls! Let's do everything to make them win the award.

Love y'all so here's another update. Hope you enjoyed!


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