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"Miss Edwards, there's somebody who wants to talk to you?" Perrie's head shot up as she heard what Harry just told him. It made her wonder who could the person be but she has a feeling that she knew who it was.

"Let them in." 

The door opened and it revealed an old man who she knew very well nowadays. She'd seen this coming so it wasn't a surprise to her to see him again.

Her face became blank as the man sat on one of the chairs with a huge smirk on his face. 

"Is that how you'll properly greet your father-in-law, Miss Edwards?" He said, the smirk never leaving his lips.

"What do you want?" Perrie asked, emotionless. She had no time for games and she knew that he came here for business. A business that includes his daughter, which is her wife.

"I heard your company is facing some problems financially. I am here to help you recover."

Perrie scoffed and crossed her arms. "You? Help me? Really? And what do you want in return, huh? For Jade and I to be separated? Is that it?" She shook her head. "You can't fool anyone here, Mr. Thirlwall, and I know that you're responsible for all of this." 

It was true, after all, his company was her only enemy when it comes to financial facts. She didn't have to investigate to have proof because she knows he did this so he could take his daughter back and away from her.

"But let me tell you this, ey?" She leaned in and gave the old man a smirk. "Even if I lose everything that my Dad worked for, it doesn't matter to me. Take everything you want but remember that I won't give up Jade just like that. You'll never take her away from me."

"But do you think that she'll still choose to stay with you if she knew the truth? If she'll know that the person she's deeply in love with was the daughter of the man behind what happened to her family in the past? Your Dad was responsible for everything she's been through and you know it yet you chose to hide the truth from her. Do you think  she'll be able to forgive you for that?" He gave her a smirk similar to what Perrie did a few moments ago. And Perrie's face became dark as her jaw clenched. "Base on your reaction, I think you still haven't told her the truth, you, poor girl. Do you still have any plans on telling her everything you know? Or are you planning on keeping everything to yourself for the rest of your life?"

Perrie's hand turned into a fist as she looked straight into the evil old man in front of her. 

"You frea----"

She was about to say something but the sound of something falling from the ground caught her off-guard. She whipped her head up and her eyes widened because of what she saw. Her heart was beating fast on her chest and she felt weak all of a sudden.

"Jade..." She whispered her name as she watches the tears fall down her wife's face. She noticed the food, that she knew Jade prepared for her, now laying on the floor. 

This was a fucking nightmare. 

She knew this was gonna happen yet she didn't do anything to prevent this from happening. She should've just told Jade the truth before but now, she heard the truth from somebody else. She's such an idiot for letting all of this happen now. 

"Jade, wait!" She said once she saw Jade ran out of her office and inside the elevator.

The brunette wiped her tears away but it kept on flowing down her face and she couldn't do anything to stop them from falling. 

Everything she heard from Perrie and the man she was talking to was a lot to take in. She didn't know who's telling the truth but it surely shattered her heart. Is this what's bugging the blonde and can't tell her?

"Jade!" She heard Perrie's voice call her once she got out of the elevator. She noticed how sweaty and tired she looked after running after her by taking the stairs. But still, the brunette ignored her and walked out of the building. 

She needs some time to think...alone. 

Perrie kept calling after her but it's like the brunette has gone deaf. She was deep in thought that she couldn't care less about anything around her. 

She was about to cross the street, unaware of the car that was about to pass by.

"JADE!!!" The younger Geordie shouted as she ran to where the brunette was. She crouched down to be leveled by her and so she could see what happened to her wife. "Shit, honey, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Worry was laced with the blonde's tone.

Jade looked at her and Perrie was glad that she wasn't hurt. Luckily, just before the car could hit Jade, the brunette quickly got out of the way, causing the car to hit the tree instead.

A few minutes of staring at each other, Perrie noticed the newly fresh tears coming out of the brunette's caramel orbs. 

"Perrie..." She sobbed on the blonde's shoulder and all that the younger Geordie did was rub her wife's back, calming her down. 

"I thought I was going to lose you. Hush now, baby." She said as she wiped the brunette's tears away. She cupped her face and gave Jade a small smile. "Let's go home?" Jade just nodded and just let the blonde take her to her car and drive them both home.


The whole car ride was filled with silence. None of them talked, nobody said a word. Even the radio was off. No sound but the car's engine can be heard inside. ONce the blonde parked the car in the driveway and turn the engine off, Jade got out and went inside the house. The blonde, on the other hand, ran after her.

"Jade..." She called out to her once she entered the house. "I----"

"Since when, Perrie?" Jade's voice shattered Perrie's heart. It sounds vulnerable and weak, something she didn't want to hear from the older Geordie.

"Jadey, I'm so sorry..." She said and tried to approach the brunette but Jade backed away just before their skin could make any contact. 

"When did you know the truth? And when are you planning to tell me?" Tears fell down Jade's eyes once again as she looked at the blonde's direction. "I thought we talked about not having secrets, but why? Why didn't you tell me? Why, Perrie?"

"I became a coward, Jade. I was afraid, scared and terrified." The blonde admitted. "My family was the reason why you suffered that way, why you thought you lost your Dad and why you had to be with your cruel stepmother. I was afraid that you'll leave me. I was scared of losing you. I was terrified of what's gonna happen to us if you knew the truth." She said and looked at Jade's eyes as the brunette met her gaze as well. "I'm sorry, Jade."

"Is that how you really see me? How many times do I have to tell you that no matter what happens, I'll try to understand you? But you still chose to hide the truth from me." Jade said as she wiped her tears harshly. 

"Jade, baby, please...don't cry. I hate seeing you cry especially when I'm the reason why." The younger Geordie said sadly. This is the last thing she wanted to see right now, to see Jade crying her eyes out because of her. To see her wife like this breaks her heart.

"Am I wrong to trust you, Perrie? Are you still hiding something from me?"

"Forgive me, my love. I don't know what I'll do if you'll hate me again."

"I'm not mad at you, Perrie. I am hurt, there's a big difference between those two." Jade said before going upstairs and locking herself in their bedroom.

She needs time to think about things, to think about everything. There's too many information and they still haven't sunk in her mind. She doesn't know if this is all just a nightmare but she knew it isn't. She wished it is but it's not. 

This is reality and it fucking hurts.


Sorry to do this guys, especially during Christmas Eve. I also apologize for being inactive this month, there are so many things that had to be done at school and I hate it. No worries, it's our Christmas vacation anyway so I think I'll be able to update maybe a couple of times a week? Not sure but stay tuned!

Hope y'all like this and please do treat this as my Christmas present for y'all! Merry Christmas guys!!


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