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It was still early in the morning but you could already find Jade inside the kitchen, cooking breakfast. She knew that she kinda pissed the blonde off last night and this is her way of apologizing to her. 

She just finished the food and was currently fixing the table when the blonde went downstairs. It confused her to see her not wearing her usual office clothes, Jade assumed that she's taking her day off again today. 

"Uhmm, I cooked breakfast. You should eat." The brunette invited her. Perrie didn't reply and just sat on the chair. She was about to place some food on the blonde's plate but Perrie stopped her.

"I'll do it." The younger Geordie said. 

Jade didn't reply anymore and just sat on the seat opposite her. 'I really pissed her off.' Jade thought.

"Why are you not eating your food? Are you not feeling well? What's wrong?" Perrie asked continuously. She's obviously worried because of the tone of her voice. And Jade could see how concerned she was about her through her eyes.

"Sorry." She muttered and looked down. She knows for a fact that she didn't do anything wrong but she couldn't help but feel like she has to apologize to her wife.

Perrie's brows furrowed. "What for?" 

"About last night..." She said, more like whispered. But the blonde was still able to catch what she was saying. "I'm sorry if ----"

"Stop." The blonde said that made the brunette look up at her. Perrie had a serious look on her face but her voice remained calm. "You don't need to apologize just because of that. I'm not mad if that's what you're worried about and I have no reason to be. I respect you, Jade, and don't you dare apologize to me just because of what happened last night." Perrie said sincerely.

"Do you understand me, wife?" Jade just nodded in reply. "And besides, if anything, I enjoyed it. With you teasing me, it's so damn hot..." And this made the brunette blush like a tomato.

She's so lucky to have Perrie and she didn't expect this. What has she ever done in her life to deserve her? I mean come on, the blonde was everything! By the looks, her attitude (even though its complicated most of the times) and the love she gives...its everything! 

What more could Jade ask for?


"Jade, can you tell me about your family?" Jade looked up from the blonde's chest to look at her. Right now, the both of them decided to spend some quality time together by watching Netflix while cuddling on their bed. Perrie's body was leaning on the headboard while Jade was in front of her. The blonde's arms were perfectly wrapped around her waist while Jade's hands were on top of them. 

"Why would you want to know?" She asked. This was the very first time that the blonde asked her about her family.

The younger Geordie shrugged as she paused the television for a while. Jade turned so now she was laying on top of her wife.

"I just wanna know. Since we got married, I haven't heard you talk about them."

"You never asked, silly," Jade used her index finger to press the blonde's nose lightly as Perrie chuckled. Oh, how she wanted to hear that every day for the rest of her life.

"That's why I'm asking you now." She answered before cupping her wife's face and leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips. 

"Where'd you want me to start?"

"Your Mom, tell me about her." Perrie said and held Jade closer to her chest. 

"I think I don't have that much to tell you about her. I never got the chance to get to know her." The blonde looked at her worriedly. "The woman you saw when you came into our house before, she isn't really my mother. You can easily see that because she doesn't treat me like her own daughter. That's why it was so easy for her to just sell me like that." And Jade looked away.

"I'm sorry," Perrie said and looked down at their intertwined hands. 

Even though Jade's foster mother treated her that way, she never held any grudges or anger against her. She loved her like she was her real mother but sadly, the lady didn't treat her like she was her own. But the brunette was still thankful because at least, she didn't leave her alone and still took care of her. 

"Where's your real Mom?"

"I don't know. But my foster Mom told me that she died when I was still young. That's the reason where my foster Dad found me." She smiled weakly. "It's just sad that he died a year after they found me. I didn't even get the chance to ask him about where he got me or maybe ask him who my real parents are."

"So you don't know who's your real Dad?" Jade shook her head. Then, the blonde pulled her closer to place a kiss on top of the brunette's head. "Don't worry, I know the right time will come for you to meet your real father. And then everything will be okay. So please, smile." And the older Geordie gave her a small sweet smile. "There, that's better. I thought I might have to kiss you again just to make you smile." 

"I think you still have to." And the blonde didn't have to be told twice before leaning in and capturing her lips again.

All her life, Jade had never been in love with anyone else...except Perrie. She never imagined that she could feel these kinds of things everytime she's with the blonde. She makes her happy effortlessly and she does the same to her wife. 

Jade didn't know what she would do if she'll lose the blonde. Perrie had become her other half and she wouldn't be complete if she didn't have her by her side. 

"I love you, Perrie," Jade said as they pulled away, their foreheads touching.

"Hmm, I love you more..." The blonde replied while looking straight into her eyes. She leaned in again to peck her lips before kissing her forehead. "And I won't ever stop loving you. I want you to remember this, I may not be able to say I love you every day, but every second of the day I will show you just how much I do, because words aren't enough to express how much I love you, Jade Amelia." 

Jade could feel herself tearing up after the quick speech that the blonde said. She could feel how much she loves her, her heart was bursting with happiness. 

"Don't cry, love." The younger Geordie said while wiping away the tears that had fallen from her eyes.

"It's your fault," Jade said as more tears fell down. "You made me cry."

"It wasn't my intention to make you cry, hun." And the brunette hid her face in the crook of the blonde's neck. "I've thought about every word I said and your just gonna cry? Don't you like it?" 

"I liked it, so much."

"Then why are you crying?" 

She inhaled the blonde's scent as she tried to calm down from crying. "It's because I'm happy, Perrie, these are tears of joy," Jade said as she looked up at her again. "And no matter what you say, I will always appreciate it and treasure them in my mind." The blonde smiled and embraced her wife tightly. 

They're both just happy and in love.


Not edited.

I suggest that you listen to 'I Love You' or 'Your Love' by Little MIx while you read this since I was listening to both songs as I make this chapter. Hope you enjoyed!


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