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Four days had passed and the blonde still didn't come home. The brunette would always wait for her on the couch and would fall asleep there. And when she wakes up, she could feel the back pain every day. Even if she lacks sleep, she would still wait for Perrie, thinking that maybe she'll be back anytime that day. But she'll just be disappointed the next day when Zara would tell her that the blonde still hasn't come home.

She tried to go to her office once but the blonde wasn't there. But she's glad that she went there because she got to talk to Harry. She asked him where her wife is and the lad told her that Perrie went to Dublin for a business conference.

The brunette went home that day with a heavy heart. The blonde left without even saying goodbye. Is she really that mad at her?

Even if what the blonde did hurt her, she still can't help but get worried every single day. Jade also told Harry to contact her as soon as the blonde gets back to work. She just hopes that he'll call soon, telling her the good news.

Suddenly, her phone rang and it brought her out of her thoughts. She quickly hit the green button when she saw who was calling.

"Hello, Harry?"

"Hey Jade," He greeted her. "Perrie's back."

No other words were exchanged between the two as Jade quickly made her way over to their building, carrying the new dish she prepared for the blonde. She took a taxi and headed straight to where her wife is. Once she's out the cab, she ran towards the elevator. The security guards she passed by didn't stop her, unlike the last time since Perrie hired new guards.

The elevator dinged and she made her way over to the blonde's office right away. She stopped in front of her door to catch her breath, she was about to knock when the voice that she longed to hear for the past four days stopped her.

"Why are you here?"

She turned around to look at her wife. Her hair was a little messy and she had a dull look on her face. But to Jade? She still looks so beautiful.

"Perrie..." She bit her lip to try and stop the tears that are threatening to fall from her caramel orbs. Some of you might say that she's overreacting but you can't blame her. She just missed her wife so much.

"You need anything?" She asked, her tone was cold as ice. And Jade felt like someone stabbed her in the heart because of how the blonde was acting towards her.

"I-I brought you breakfast. I thought that maybe you still haven't eaten yet since you're one who always skips meals, so here you go." She said and brought the paper bag she was holding up. But the blonde just looked at it.

"I already ate," she said. "Do you still need anything?"

And Jade shook her head and forced a smile. She let her arms fall to her sides.

"I just wanted to see you. You were gone for four days and you didn't even say goodbye." The brunette laughed a little while shaking her head. "And I also came here because I missed you." She tried her best to sound enthusiastic as possible even if Perrie doesn't seem to be interested in what she was saying. "Just please, come back home, okay?"

The brunette walked back inside the elevator and didn't let the blonde reply since she know how uninterested the blonde is to her right now. Once it closed, she breathed heavily and then just let the tears fall down her eyes. Nobody would see her anyway so she didn't bother to stop herself from sobbing. Her efforts are wasted and her heart felt heavy for that.

How the blonde acted earlier was enough reason for her to realize that she doesn't feel the same way.

That she didn't love Jade like how Jade loves her.

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