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It had been three months since Jade's last confrontation with her mam. Exactly three months since she started to live in the blonde's mansion. And three months of being caged inside. In those past months, she hadn't seen her friends, co-workers and her dearest mother.

'I wonder how they are now.' Jade thought.

And to top this all of, it had been three months since she last came out of this mansion. That was her command. For her to stay and never come out of the house until she say so.

But not today. She was really really bored at the moment and couldn't think of any single thing to do inside the mansion, rather than explore it more. The maids, chef and other people inside the house working for the blonde wouldn't let her help with the chores. They said that it was her command to not let her do anything in the house.

She wanted to go out, maybe catch up with some of her friends since its been so long when she last saw them. She missed them so much. Perrie's not home so maybe she could sneak out.

But she really was just so unlucky, even today....

"Where are you going?" Perrie asked her while she locked the door behind. She had no emotion on her face. "Are you sneaking out?" Her voice was cold.

"Uhh, n-no, I just wanted to get some fresh air." She answered and bit her lip. She always bites her lip whenever she's jealous, nervous or lying. Her mannerism.

"Didn't I tell you to never go out of this mansion?" She sternly said. "Get inside."

She was like a trained dog and did what Perrie had told her to do.

It had been three months since she started to live with Perrie in one roof. But they barely see each other. Maybe, twice or thrice a week, they get to see each other and share dinner if Perrie comes home early but no words were exchanged between the two.

Perrie was always busy at work. She always have out of town trips so she barely comes home as well.

They're not even close, even friends. She's such a bitch at times so Jade didn't even bothered approaching the blonde. And she's also pissed off by her attitude. Things always go her way. What she wants had to happen. And if you dare contradict it, you'll be dead for sure.

There was a knock at the door so she stood up and opened it.

"Miss Jade, Miss Edwards called for you." Liam told her. It was one of Perrie's bodyguard. Brown hair and a stiff body. He's good-looking too.

She just smiled as a response and nodded and Liam was gone.

'What could she possibly need now?' Jade thought but yet shrugged it and went to go to Perrie's library. She wasn't fond of waiting for too long. And that's just another thing why she was so pissed off at the blonde.

She stood infront of the door and didn't hesitate to knock three times. When she saw that the door was open, she went inside.

"WHAT?!" Jade was surprised by the voice that just shouted. "Niall, I thought we're already done with that. What's the problem now?! You need to fix this or else!" Perrie shouted then threw her phone across the room. "Fuck." She muttered under her breath but Jade heard her right.

Jade just stood there still. She was terrified to what state the blonde was in now. This was the very first time she saw her be this mad. It was terrifying.

"What are you doing here?!" She spat at her direction.

"Y-you called for me?"

"Who told you that?"


The blonde looked at her oddly, thinking why she had called for the brunette's presence.

"Sit down."

She obliged and sat down at the nearest chair. There had been a couple minutes of silence before Perrie broke it.

"Marry me." She said with no emotions nor tone.

Jade's eyes widened. Did this girl lost her mind? Marry her? Is this some kind of a joke? Why on earth would this girl want to marry her now? Its just that simple? No need for proposal? She didn't even gave her a ring.

"W-what?" That's all what came out of her mouth. The blonde then gave her a death glare.

"Do I have to repeat myself, huh?" She rose one of her eyebrows at the brunette. Jade shook her head.

Silence filled the room.

"Are you even serious?" She asked again.

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" She said with a serious face. 'Didn't she know how to smile?' Jade thought.

"For what?" She won't ask straight away if she had no reason right? There's got to be a reason.

"That's none of your business." Perrie answered back.

"What if I don't want to?"

She looked at her seriously. "You have no choice. You're mine and you'll do what I want." She firmly said.

"I'm not a robot nor your slave. You don't own me." She replied to Perrie.

"You're already my property since the day I bought you from your Mam. Whether you like or not, you'll marry me."

"No," Jade answered firmly. She promised herself that she'll one day marry the person that'll love her truly. And that won't be Perrie. No way!

"What?" Perrie grabbed her arm that made Jade stood up from her seat, due to how tight the blonde was holding her. And she was sure that it would really leave a mark. "Have you forgotten who I am? You don't know what I could do to you and your precious mother."

"Never bring my mother into this."

"I won't." She released her arm. "If you agree to marry me." She slowly leaned in and cupped her face.

Jade might want this but in order for the blonde to stop threatening her mother, she had no choice but to agree to what she wanted.

"I-I agree..." she whispered but enough for Perrie to hear.

"Good." She smirked. "As long as you agree to do as what you're told, we have no problem. Understand?" She whispered and Jade nodded slightly.

"Now. Leave."


Surprise! No? Okay.


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