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Five years later...

The atmosphere was peaceful when Perrie reached the place that she's been visiting for the past years. Its been five years since she last saw her and she admits that she misses her so bad. Even though they haven't known each other that long, even though fate didn't agree for them to have a longer time to be with each other, she had to accept it. As much as she wanted her back, she couldn't do anything. 

"Hey baby," She said as she sat down on the grass. "Sorry, I took so long. Had to catch up on something at work. How are you?" She chuckled when she realized how dumb she sounded by asking a dead person about how she is. As if it'll answer her. "I brought you flowers." She said and laid the roses in front of the stone tablet. 

She ran her hands over the name written on it and smiled. Her name was so beautiful, just like her. She can remember the first day she saw her. She's so beautiful even in the state she was in before. 

"I miss you, baby, I wish God didn't take you so early from me, from us. I wish I could turn back time and maybe save you from what happened. I could've prevented everything to happen that day if I didn't go to work." 

Until now, she's blaming herself for everything that has happened to her family. Even though her friends are telling her that it wasn't her fault, she still blames herself for everything. She even tried to kill herself, thinking it was the perfect punishment for what she had done, for what she hadn't prevented, but luckily, she didn't. Thanks to an angel who saved her life...again.

"I wish I can bring Mom with you today baby, but sadly, she still wouldn't come. Like me, she keeps blaming herself for what happened to you. That's why she couldn't take seeing you, even when you're already buried down there for five years now. I don't know when she'll be able to accept everything that's happened but I know that she will. Soon." She said and wiped the tears that she hadn't noticed flowing down her face. "But baby, I promise you that I'll take her here with me the next time. And I'll bring your little brothers with me too." She said, a smile plastered on her face. 

And then, she took something from her pocket and placed it in front of the tombstone. "Here," The blonde said while putting a stone on top of the card to prevent the wind from blowing it somewhere else. "Luke and Lucas made that for you. They said that it was their gift for your birthday. Even Karla and Nicole helped and they are all wishing you a happy birthday. And..." She took another thing in her pocket. "This is our gift to you. I let your Mom print it for you. I know she misses you so bad, just like I am. So, here ya go." She said and placed the picture of their family on top of the tombstone. 

Perrie smiled as she stared at the picture. They look like a picture-perfect family but she knows that they're not perfect without her first daughter. 

"I'll come back soon baby and just like promised, I'll bring your Mom and brothers with me." The younger Geordie said before placing a quick kiss on her daughter's tombstone.

"Happy birthday Amara Louise. Your Mom and I love you so much." And with that, she stood up and made her way to her car.

Before she can enter the vehicle, she felt the strong cold wind hit her skin and she knows that it was her daughter, hugging her virtually. She smiled and could feel the tears stream down her face once again. 

She looked up at the sky and gave her most heartfelt smile, whispering an "I love you, Amara." before getting into her car and driving back home.


"Momma!" A little boy approached her as soon as she came back to their house. She grinned at the kid before picking him up and kissing him on the cheek. "Where did you go, Momma? Mommy is looking for you." The kid asked while wrapping her little arms around the blonde's neck.

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