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The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half. There had been some slight problem with one of Perrie's branches and they had to fix it right away so the meeting lasted longer than it should.

As the blonde entered her room, she was met by her wife who was peacefully sleeping on the couch. She slowly made her way over to the brunette and felt a little furious at her since she noticed that her legs were a little shown since the skirt she was wearing moved up. 

'Why are you so clumsy and careless?' She rolled her eyes and carefully pulled the skirt down before slowly tapping the girl's nose. "Hey, wake up." But Jade didn't move. So Perrie started shaking her shoulder gently. "Jade..."

"Hmmm..." And there's something about how the brunette's reply, or should I say, moan, that turned the blonde on.

Suddenly, Jade opened her eyes and immediately sat up when she noticed how close her face is to Perrie's.

"Sorry, I guess I fell asleep waiting." She really wasn't aware that she would fall asleep waiting, she didn't know that the meeting would take that long since Perrie told her that she'll be right back.

"Next time, lock the door. When I got here, you looked like a mess. Your skirt was up and you were snoring pretty loud. Are you really embarrassing yourself?" Perrie said then scoffed. 

Jade looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "Sorry..." She muttered.

Perrie didn't reply and just turned her back at her wife before making her way back to her desk. The next few minutes that followed that were filled with silence. Again, none of them spoke. The only thing you'll hear was the sound of Perrie's keyboard tapping and the sudden scratch of papers. You might think that the blonde was busy about her work but no, she's just typing nonsense over her computer to waste time.

She simply tore her gaze away from her computer screen to peek at her wife who just sat on the couch quietly. She noticed her rubbing her tummy and biting her lip. Actually, Jade was hungry just before the blonde left her and she's still is. She's just shy to ask the blonde since she didn't want her to scold or shout at her again. 

Perrie sighed. She brought Jade here since Zara told her that she really is bored at their house. She had nothing to do and the blonde thought that bringing her at her office would amaze her and won't make her bored. But it seemed like she's a lot more bored here than back home.

She stood up from her chair and made her way over the brunette. "Let's go.."

"Where are we going?"

"I'm hungry. Let's eat." Jade's eyes sparkled after hearing the blonde's answer. She didn't waste any second and followed the blonde out of her office since she walked away right after telling her where they would go.

They went down to the building's cafeteria and all the employees who seemed to be busy with their conversations earlier fell into silence when the two arrived. This was the very first time that the blonde went here. She's not one of those bosses who spends time with he co-workers or even communicates with them. Unless it's needed. So, to see her down here with the brunette was new to them.

"What do you want?" She asked Jade without even looking at her. 

"Uhh...anything, I guess." 

And Perrie didn't ask her furthermore and started putting different kinds of food on her plate. 

"Uhm, Perrie...this is too much." She told the blonde. 

"If you don't like it, then put it back." And the brunette wasn't even kidding, Perrie did put a lot of food on her plate. And by the looks of it, it seemed like a whole platter was on her plate. She's a small girl but with the plate, she's now holding, she seemed like she has a big appetite.

Jade just frowned by the blonde's answer and just didn't mind how much food was on her plate and just followed the blonde to where she was seated. 

They ate in silence but there are still so many employees who kept looking at them. This caused Jade to feel conscious.

"Hi, Jade!" Harry greeted them. "Can I sit with you guys?" But before Jade could reply, the curly-haired lad sat on one of the excess chairs.

"Harry, you're already seated with us, why are you still asking for permission?" The both of them laughed. 

"For a small girl like you, you seemed to have a big man's stomach," Harry said and pointed at the brunette's plate. "You gonna eat that all?"

"Oh, uhh..." The brunette was just gonna explain herself but Harry spoke again.

"Hey, you have a little something there," He said and he was about to wipe it off her face when the blonde growled.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

"Oh, hi, Perrie, didn't see you there." He joked. And it pissed the blonde even more. And when he saw how sharp her looks at him were, he gulped. "I'm kidding." He said and held his hands up.

"Have you eaten yet, Harry?" Jade asked, trying to change the topic since she noticed that anytime now, the blonde might explode. 

He nodded. "I just finished a while ago." 

"Then why are you here?" Perrie asked, irritatedly.

"I saw you guys here and I wanted to come and greet you." He said. "Especially you, Perrie. You never come here, yeah?"

Perrie only rolled her eyes at him.

Then, Harry excused himself to them since he needed to go back to work. Afterall, Perrie was still her boss. And she's not paying him to sit and have a chitchat with her and her wife.

After finishing their food, the two of them returned to the younger Geordie's office. Like what happened earlier, the atmosphere was quiet. Jade didn't want to open her mouth and talk anymore since she knows that the blonde doesn't want her to talk. 

Evening came and none of them talked. But Jade was glad that Harry stopped by, at least she knows that she still has the ability to talk.

"Let's go home," Perrie said coldly. She noticed that they've been talking for almost half an hour now. And she hates that. She hates it when Jade's attention was focused on somebody else and not her. 

"Its too early, you gonna go already?" Harry said. Well, he's right. Usually, the blonde will take an overtime at work to finish more papers so it confused the lad since the blonde already wanted to go.

"Jade, let's go." Perrie didn't mind Harry and just walked away. Like what she always does. The brunette followed her soon after bidding Harry goodbye. 

When they left, the curly-haired boy shook his head. "Typical jealous Edwards..."


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