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"Does she know about your father's last will?" Niall asked the blonde as they sat at the bar near the main lobby of the hotel they were staying in. Perrie couldn't sleep tonight that's why she decided to go out and get some fresh air. It's just a coincidence that Niall also couldn't sleep and decided to go down the bar too. 

The blue-eyed girl shook her head. "This isn't the right time."

"Per, you have to tell her. She's involved in this situation and she also has the rights to know." Niall said calmly before taking a sip from his drink.

"No. This isn't the right time. And things might get complicated if I do tell her." She took a sip from her drink too. "And I'm avoiding that. I don't want that to happen."

Niall gave her a knowing look before saying, "You sound so concerned about your wife. Don't tell me you're starting to fa---" The Irish lad didn't even have the chance to finish what he's about to say because Perrie interrupted him.

"Don't think too much, Horan. I just don't want her to know because I don't want her to get in my way. Get that, huh?" She said and her face showed no emotion at all. Niall just shrugged.

"But the way you kissed her, it seems like there's....something." Perrie gave him a death glare after that so he looked away. He didn't want to get into the blonde girl's bad side tonight.

"You're my lawyer, not a fucking love advisor. I suggest you shut your mouth and just do your fucking job." She said sharply. Niall just gulped and looked down. He didn't dare push the topic more because he knows Perrie was short-tempered and business minded. All she wanted to talk about was business, nothing more. 

After finishing her drink, Perrie stood up and left Niall alone. 


Jade's POV

I woke up because of someone tapping my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Perrie's toned stomach. 

"Wake up, take a bath and then go to the dining area to eat breakfast." She said bluntly before leaving me. 

I obliged but thought about eating breakfast. How am I supposed to eat breakfast when Perrie's abs were enough for me to be satisfied? 'You're such a creep.' the back of my mind told me. I shook my head and went inside the bathroom.

When I reached the dining area, I saw her sitting at the end of the table while typing something on her laptop. She seemed to be too engrossed to what she was typing that she didn't even notice my presence.

"Take a seat and eat." She said out of nowhere. Maybe I was wrong with the 'she didn't even notice me' part. I did what she told me and ate the food on my plate. 

"Did you cook these?" I asked after my first bite. There are so many foods prepared in front of me and I didn't know what to taste first so I went for the waffles and it tastes divine. 

"No," She answered.

"Then who prepared these?" 

"Will you just shut up and eat?" You can see how irritated she was just by hearing her answer me that way. So, I just shut up and ate. 

"Sorry." I simply said after eating my breakfast. She seemed to be still irritated by my questions earlier so I decided to apologize. When she didn't answer me, I shook my head and stood up and made my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard her ask. 'Now, she's talking', I sighed and didn't mind her. 

"I'm talking to you, Jade Amelia," I was about to answer her but when I heard her phone ring, I didn't bother and just went outside.

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