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The doorbell rang repeatedly and Jade quickly went to the front door to open it. Everybody was still asleep since its just eight in the morning and she didn't want them waking up just yet, especially the blonde so even if she's emotionally tired, she got up and opened the door.

She was met by a bouquet of roses and a paper bag with the Burger King logo on it. 

"Harry? What're you doin' here?" Jade said in her morning voice.

The curly-haired boy smiled at her and made his way inside, closing the door after him. "Good morning to you too, Jade," he chuckled.

"My bad. Good morning Haz," Jade said and gave the lad a smile. "Are you looking for Perrie? She's still asleep upstairs. Want me to wake her up?"

Harry shook his head and this confused the brunette. "I came here for you actually."

"Me?" He nodded. "Why?"

"Nope. I guess, I just miss you." Then he winked at her which earned him a playful smack from the girl. "Have you eaten yet? I brought breakfast." 

"Oh that's so sweet of you, Haz," Jade smiled. 

"Come, let's eat shall we?" And they went to the dining area. On the way there, the lad gave her the roses which Jade bashfully took from him, giving him her sweetest smile as a thank you. The brunette took some plates from the kitchen and they started eating the Burger King take-out that Harry bought. 

They talked about anything and everything as they ate. Then, Jade noticed the lad's busted lip and black eye. Actually, it was the first thing she noticed when he arrived but didn't open the topic about it yet since she didn't want to ruin his happy mood earlier. 

"What happened to your lip, Haz?" She asked once she finished her food. "And your eye, why are they swollen?"

She saw the way he bit his lip as if he was nervous about telling her the truth. And this confused Jade again. 

"It's nothing, really. I'm okay, don't mind it." Harry said. Even if Jade wanted to know the reason behind it, she stopped herself since she didn't want to push the lad. But it didn't stop her from being worried about the curly-haired boy's situation so she got up and took the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet and started to clean his busted lip. 

"J-Jade, you didn't have t----"

"I want to, okay?" Jade gave him a small smile. "You and Per are so alike, you know? She also came home last night with a bruise on her face. And when I asked her what happened, she didn't tell me. Did you two got into a fight?" 

Harry remained silent but he shook his head. As much as he wanted Jade, he didn't want to get in the way with her and Perrie so he didn't tell her the truth. 

Jade continued to cure his busted lip and Harry just watched her silently, savoring the moment that she had with Jade right now.

But the both of them are unaware of the pair of blue eyes who watched them intently from afar. The blonde just woke up and the first thing she noticed was the brunette's absence. But then, she remembered all that happened, the reason why Jade wasn't there with her, why she was mad at the brunette and what Jade told her last night. 

She clenched her fist as she noticed how close her wife's face is with Harry's. She hates to admit it but she wanted to be the one on that chair, to experience how Jade would take care of her, and to be the one who'll be that close to Jade.

Oh, how she missed her.


Jade spent half of the day talking to Harry. And after he left, the brunette decided to take a shower. She went into the bathroom and spent almost thirty minutes there taking a shower. Once she's done, she went out, only to facepalm herself for forgetting to bring her new clothes with her. And then another facepalm to herself for realizing that she didn't have any clothes in her room since she already placed all of them in her shared room with Perrie.

"How can I forget that? Ugh, you're such an idiot, Jade," She said as she made her way to their room, only in her towel. She just wished that the blonde wasn't there so she didn't have to deal with her anymore. 

As she opened the door, the room was empty and she thanked the God above for not letting her be in the same room with the blonde. It's not that she didn't want to be with her, it's just that, she didn't know if she'll be able to face her again without breaking down completely. She missed her wife so much but she couldn't do a thing about it. 

Jade made her way over to the closet but the door of the bathroom suddenly opened and Jade tried to compose herself as she took in the wet look of her wife who also just finished showering. A towel was covering the lower part of her body as she wore her favorite bra. There are still droplets of water falling down from her hair that went down to her face then her shoulder and Jade had to stop herself from moaning because of how hot the blonde looked right now. 

Their gazes met and Jade's cheek heat up because of that, making her look down and walk towards the closet quickly. She could feel the blonde's eyes boring holes in the back of her head but she didn't mind it and just focused on the task at hand, which is to get the clothes she needed. 

After that, she turned around, head still hung low, and made her way over to the door. She couldn't stay in the same room with Perrie anymore because she knows that she'll break into tears any minute. 

She was caught off-guard when Perrie pulled her wrist and immediately caged her in her arms, causing the brunette to drop the clothes she was holding to the floor. Her hands fell on top of her wife's chest as her eyes widened. 

"Why can't I resist you? Why can't I stay mad at you?" Perrie asked out of nowhere, nuzzling her face on the brunette's neck. "I don't understand myself and these feelings I have for you. What have you done to me, Jade?"

The brunette wanted to say so many things but her mind went blank.

"I can't control my fuckin' emotions when it comes to you, especially if you're with a guy. Even if I hate to admit this but...maybe it's because I'm jealous. No scratch that, I'm jealous. As I watch you take care of Harry earlier, how I wish I was in his place. I wish I was the one who'll be able to make you smile like that, to make you laugh, not stupid Harry. I wanted it to be me, I want you all to myself." Perrie said, her voice was full of emotion. 

The blonde pulled away and cupped her face. Jade could see how sincere the blonde was just by looking into her ocean blue orbs. 

"Jade...I love you." 

The brunette couldn't believe it. She didn't know what to feel. Different emotions and thoughts filled her mind and heart. 'Is this real? Am I dreaming?' She asked herself. But she confirmed that it was true once she felt the blonde's lips on hers again. 

Jade's lips tasted so sweet and Perrie couldn't get enough of it. But even if that's the case, she quickly pulled away to look into her favorite pair of eyes. 

"W-What?" Is the only thing that came off from Jade's lips after the kiss. 

"I love you, Jadey," Perrie said, but as she said each word, she inched closer and closer to her face again until their foreheads are touching. "You don't have to say anything. I just want to be honest with you, I want you to know how I truly feel for you."

"Perrie..." Jade closed her eyes. "...I love you too. I love you so much." She slowly opened her eyes, only to be met with Perrie's huge smile and sparkling eyes. And the brunette smiled back. 

The both of them just poured their hearts out at each other and both are glad that they feel the same way. 


So far, this is my favorite chapter!! What's yours and why? ;)))


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