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Jade woke up to the sound of the door creaking open. She rubbed her eyes to try and adjust to the light and when she does, she saw her wife carrying a tray of food while smiling down at her. 

"Hey, good morning," The blonde greeted her as she placed the tray on the bedside table. "I cooked breakfast for you. You should eat." She said and helped Jade sit up and lean her back on the headboard. 

"Have you eaten yet?" The brunette asked as Perrie started to cool down the spoonful of soup. 

"Not yet, your appetite comes first," Perrie said as she took another spoonful of soup from the bowl. "And besides, I'm not hungry." 

And that made Jade pout and for Perrie to giggle at her wife's reaction. 

"Stop pouting, it's so tempting," Perrie said but Jade violently shook her head. "C'mon, say ahh," But the brunette didn't. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest, giving the blonde a stern look. "Jade, come on, eat this. You need it." 

"You need it too," She spat back. "Eat it with me or you'll get no kisses." She threatened. 

And Perrie's eyes widened. Yes, she acts all tough on the outside but when it comes to Jade? She turns into a complete softy. Especially to her kisses. 

"But Jade..." She whined. 

"Ah ah ah," Jade waved her hand at the blonde, telling her 'no buts'. 

Perrie huffed. "Okay fine, I'll eat with you." And Jade smiled, but in her head, she was doing a victory dance. "Just because you're cute," Perrie said, giggling. 

She completely turns into a completely different person whenever she's alone with Jade. 

They ate in silence, sharing smiles and a few compliments there and that's it. Once they finished all the food that the blonde prepared, Perrie went back to bed, hugging her wife close to her chest. 

"That soup was delicious. I loved it. " Jade said as Perrie combed her hair using her delicate fingers. "You're a great cook."

"Well, that soup has special ingredients, that's why it tasted good." 

"Hmm, really?" Perrie nodded. "What is it?"

"Love," The blonde answered, a sheepish grin appearing on her lips. 

Then, Perrie pulled the brunette up so she was on top on the blonde. Her waist was in between of the brunette's long tanned legs. She held both of her hands and laced them together. 

"Thank you..." Perrie said, in a more serious tone. She looked straight into the brunette's eyes. Jade's brows furrowed. "Thank you for staying. You didn't leave me despite of what I did and my complicated attitude. Thank you for everything, Jade. I love you." 

"I won't ever get tired of you, Pez, I would try and understand you as much as I can. And I won't ever leave you not until you tell me to leave you. I love you too." She said and cupped Perrie's face, leaning down to kiss the blonde. After a quick peck, she went down and buried her face in the blonde's neck. Perrie wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight.

It was indeed a good morning.


"Someone's blooming today," Danielle said as Jade made her way over to them. 

"Dani's right, you look so happy," Leigh said as Jade finally approached them. "Spill the beans, Jade, what's got you all smiley and stuff?" 

The three of them decided to meet at the coffee shop where Jade and Dani last saw each other. Its been a long time since the last time that Leigh joined them. Oh yeah, did I forget to tell you that Dani and Leigh were friends even before Jade met Perrie? Jade just wasn't aware of it but she's glad that they're friends.

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