Chapter 5

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*Jeonghan's POV*

I was about to eat but stopped when I heard the door creak. I looked towards the door and a young girl.

"Eun-Jeong!" Minghao shouted and he rushed towards the girl and hugged her.

"Master Minghao...t-to tight!" the girl said with shortness of breath.

'Eun-Jeong? Wait isn't that the girl that Minghao talked about this morning? Oh well if she matches my standards I can accept her.'

I tried to look carefully at her face but Minghao's shoulders was blocking the way. Suddenly my brothers started to chat in our minds. 

Waaah! she is so pretty! - Chan

So she is Eun-Jeong! - Hansol

Nope not as sassy as me - Seungkwan

Waahhh! I am speechless - Seokmin

Wait what is that smell, I think there is blood from Eun-Jeong - Mingyu

You and your nose seriously could you stop thinking about food! - Seungcheol

Oi! Guys stop it now - Minghao

Every one stop the chat and went into reality. Minghao soon let go of Eun-Jeong then looked at mum with a strong glare. Then I saw that girl's face and woah I was not ready she was beautiful but to think that there was someone as pretty as me in the world was really rare! (Feeling Proud)

*Eun-Jeong's POV*

Minghao soon let go of me and I let out a cough. I saw Minghao glaring at Mrs Min.

"Mum, why did you bring Eun-Jeong here!" shouted Minghao. To be honest I have never seen Minghao so angry before.

"Minghao, let me explain everything once you sit down on your seat and bring Eun-Jeong to the seat next to me." said Mrs Min calmly.

Since Minghao was a good boy he listened to his mother and lead me to my seat and he went back to his seat. Everyone was quiet and even pin drop could be heard but there were no pins.

"Everyone let us finish breakfast and we will talk after we finish." Said Mr Min

As everyone listened we all ate breakfast which was toast with bacon and eggs, some of the boys ate cereal with milk. Soon, as in only 5 mins everyone finished breakfast even I ate a few things quickly.

"So as you see here, this girl Eun-Jeong will be looking after you boys for a year while we go for a long term sleep. Now Eun-Jeong introduce yourself and boys after she finish, introduce yourselves as well."said Mrs Min as she looked at me and looked back at the boys.

I stood up and introduce myself shyly "As you already have heard Minghao call my name and Madame Min, my full name is Park Eun-Jeong. I am 16 and turning 17 in a few days. I will be looking after you for a year from now on." I said and bowed and sat down back to my seat.

One of the boys stood up, "My name is Seungcheol and I am the oldest among these boys and you can call me S.coups." he said straightforwardly.

Then a suddenly a girl stood up and introduce himself, "My name is Jeonghan and if you are thinking I must be a girl then you are wrong I am clearly a 'man'." That pretty boy said.

Then a nice looking boy stood up, "Hi! I am Jisoo and you can call me Joshua if you want to." He said with a smile.

Then a boy who was sitting next to Minghao stood up, "My name is Junhui, call me Jun if you want to." he said quickly.

Then a cute looking boy stood up, "Hello I am Soonyoung and you can call me Hoshi!" said the cute boy with a cheesy smile.

Then a emo looking guy stood up, "My name is Wonwoo and I will be in your care from now on." he said quietly.

Then a small boy stood up, " My name is Jihoon and I may be small but I will kill you if you call me short." he said with a glare but smiled afterwards.

Then a smiling boy stood up, "Hi my name is Seokmin but you can call me DK and you can look for me is you need comfort!" he said with a very bis smile.

Then a very tall guy stood up and said " Hi my name is Mingyu and you can find me if you have problems with high stuff." he said smiled cheekily.

Then Minghao stood up, "You already know my name and I am very sorry that I had you dragged into my family." apologized Minghao but still with an angry tone.

Then a boy with a little chubby cheek stood up, " My name is Seungkwan and you must call me master Seungkwan." he said and flipped his hair.

Then a guy that looked like the young Leonardo DiCaprio stood up, "Hey my name is Hansol and you can call me Vernon." he said coolly.

Then a baby looking boy stood up, "Hi my name is Chan and you can call me Dino and I like Micheal Jackson!" he said cutely.

After all their introduction I realized how handsome these boys and but as said by the rules I can't fall in love with them *sigh*

"So now that we have finished our introduction you boys will now go and prepare for school and Eun-Jeong you will take a tour around the mansion to know where everything are but you must get trough the whole house before 6 pm and you will go to school with the two younger kids and your uniform is already in your room in the closet." commanded Mrs Min.

"Oh and your mother and I will go to sleep after you guys go to school so we won't be here after you come back from school and be kind to Eun-Jeong okay? and Eun-Jeong look after my sons well." said Mr Min looking at the boys and back at me. Then the boys all nodded and I bowed.


After the tour around the house I was amazed to see how big the house was. Then I realized that I needed to go to school with the boys as well so rushed over to my room as saw a school uniform. So I quickly put my uniform and shoes on and rushed down stairs and the boy were already getting on the limousine and only Minghao was waiting for me not realizing that there was one more that didn't get on yet. 

I quickly ran to the car and suddenly without looking out for a rock I tripped but I didn't fall...

*Author's Notes*

Who was it that broke Eun-Jeong's fall? You will find that out next!

Oh and I only described Eun-Jeong being pretty and stuff I don't have a ideal person in mind so you can imagine yourself being her and IF I mean if boys are reading this you can imagine your ideal type girl. 

Thank you for reading! 


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