Chapter 33

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Sorry the picture might not be relevant but just so you know THIS is my ultimate OTP and of course I also ship Jeonghan with others too ~~~

*Seungcheol's POV* 

I ignored what everything was happening and took the letter from Wonwoo and read the letter by myself. Trying to refrain my anger from getting out. I mind linked my brothers and parents that I will be outside with Jeonghan and Wonwoo. 

They understood and Jeonghan and Wonwoo stood up and walked outside with me holding the letter. 

We went to the nearest lift we walked in with silence and I pressed the highest floor. They remained silent for the WHOLE time when we were in the elevator. They seriously hate each other huh? wait they seriously have a grudge against each other!

*Sigh* that was me, yep who else would sigh when their brothers aren't getting along with each other. 


The elevator door opened to reveal the view of the night in the monster world, stars shining across the deep night sky. Okay enough describing, I pulled Jeonghan's and Wonwoo's ears to make them come out of the elevator.

"Ow, ow, ow, hyung stop pulling my ears, you're using too much strength! My ear is coming off!" Wonwoo complained making me worry that I actually believed that I nearly pulled off his ear, which I DIDN'T! 

I released their ears and made them sit next to each other on a bench only fit for two. I stood in front of them crossed armed.

Looking at them not even facing me at all they are sitting back to back seriously these boys don't even listen to me now huh?

"Yah!" I yelled making them flinch and sit back up straight facing me, Finally!

"Even though mum erased some of your memories you do have other memories right?" I asked

"I don't remember anything." They both said in unison they look at each other then ignored each other.

"Okay, I am sick of this. Why do you two still have a grudge against each other? you guys don't remember much from the past and you're still like this?" I couldn't handle this anymore they didn't reply to me at all. They just sat there and sulked. 

"Do you really want me to do that thing to get you to talk?" I asked

"Eh what thing?" Wonwoo finally talked 

"Oh the thing that I use on Jeonghan to get him to talk." I smirked at Jeonghan, he turned his head away blushing. 

"What Thing?!" Wonwoo asked me again. 

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk don't ask me! you're gonna have to ask him." I said as I pointed at Jeonghan 

Wonwoo looked at Jeonghan then back at me, then again looked at Jeonghan. 

"Okay for once I am going to talk to you, tell me what hyung is going to do to me!" Wonwoo elbowed Jeonghan but Jeonghan was busy remembering what I did you him a few years back. 

I took a step closer to Wonwoo and he instantly leaned back on the bench and tried to back away from me.

Laughing inside I tried to remain a serious face. I lifted my hands and made him float up.

"Hyung! stop! Jeonghan hyung help me. Please! I beg you. I'm sorry for what I did but please help me." Wonwoo begged, I looked over to see Jeonghan shocked to hear his hated brother calling him.

I smirked at Wonwoo, with a few words I made him do aegyo in front of Jeonghan while he was still floating. 

"hahaha...ha" Jeonghan laughed as he could not stand any aegyo but as he realised that I made him laugh he immediately closed his mouth with his hands.

I raised an eyebrow at him and cleared my throat and crossed my arms making Wonwoo fall to the ground. 

I walked towards him caging him on the bench and leaned forward towards his ear and whispered

"You have to stop this grudge yourself, we don't want you two to be like this anymore please." I said and then walked towards Wonwoo. 

"You have to talk to him..." I patted his head and left for the elevator. 

You three are you finished!? come back to the room we have some information that even your mum didn't tell me. - Mr Min 

The two boys walked side by side but still awkward, *sigh* I guess we'll have to deal with this later. We all went into the elevator and headed back to Eun-Jeong's room.


Sorry guys that I couldn't update much but please understand. >.<

Also I will update once a month from now on. I'm very sorry but since i'm going to be in senior year at MIDDLE school I have to focus on studying but since i'm still on holidays I might still have time but most of the time I have are to be babysitting my sister, so i'll be busy. 

and i'm sure you might know my age now but oh well...

Also since there wasn't must of those --- scenes I've decide to do a second book and end this with a twist, so look forward to IT!!!! 

*Slowly leaves the room while laughing evilly* 


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