Chapter 30

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Where am I 

Why is everything dark?

I can't see at all, huh there's a light 

I walked towards the light trying to reach where the light is but it just seems to get further and further away. Just when I nearly took a step in the light two figures blocked my way. 

"Turn back Eun-Jeong, you mustn't take a step further than this." The woman spoke angelically

"How do you know my name?" 

"How could we possibly not know our childs name?" The male spoke up

"What? How? When? uh... wait you are my mum since there's a photo of you in  that necklace."

"Wait only her's not mine? how could you." My father? pouted

"So um you must be my dad and mum?" I gestured at both of them

"Okay since we died when you where 3 you might not really remember us but let us introduce us for the first and last time."

"Why the last time? aren't we going to heaven?" 

"No you can't come with us to heaven, you must stay at earth and live... You must make the Min brothers suffer"

"But why mother, wait a minute you know the min family?"

"Yes, they are the sole reason why I am partially a vampire..." 

"Mum you're a vampire? wait hold on... you guy are bombarding me with information and that I can't even think now..."

"Don't worry honey everything will be explained once you get back, you still have that necklace right?" dad asked 

"Yes, I do remember wearing it before I came to this place..."

"Well at the back of the picture in that locket there is a address to our hideout and there will be everything you need to know." He said

"We have to go now darling, it was good to see you grown so big, we will see you in the afterlife, okay baby?" Mum teared up, she was about to touch my cheeks but dad took her hand away from me and shook his head. Then there was a tall buff man with a black cloak and a scythe. Dad pushed me away from the lights and yelled at me to turn away and run.

I did as he told, I ran for my life as the so called reaper was flying after me. I tried to wake myself up, slapping my face as I was on the run. A hand cover my mouth before I was even able to reach where I was before. 

I instantly opened my eyes, shock from that nightmare that I just had but it wouldn't have been a nightmare if there wasn't that reaper chasing after me.

I scanned the place, it seemed unfamiliar I looked at my left arm and a needle inside and a drip hung on a stand. Then I felt a tight grasp on my right hand. I looked to see a sleeping baby Dino, little Chanie that's what I call him when we are usually alone even though he is older than me...

His eyes slowly opened and he slowly rose from his sleeping position, his eyes widen to see me sitting on the bed relaxed and looking at his face.  

"You're awake Eun-Jeong! You're alive!" He smiled and hugged me with all his might.

*Cough* *Cough*

I nearly choked because of his strength, he let go and said sorry. I patted his head, he took my hand and rested his cheek on it.

"How long have I been out for?"

"Three weeks, the doctor said for a human they wouldn't survive but luckily you had the strength to go against it and survived." He smiled and I smiled back

He leaned in close to me only inches away. I didn't know what to do and just sat still and squinted my eyes. I felt a peck at my forehead, I opened my eyes and saw him smile cheekily.


I turned around to see Ren both arms on his chest. 

"Master Chan, would you mind going out for a bit I need to talk to Eun-Jeong." 

"Okay, i'll go and tell my hyungs that Eun-Jeong is awake." He skipped to the door and exited.

Ren walked towards my bed and sat on the chair that Chan sat on before and he still has his arms crossed.

"Why are you still crossing your arms? are you angry or something?" 

"Yes, I'm angry at you because you made me worry for you and making me not sleep for days you should thank Master Seungcheol letting me to go home and rest and let one of the brothers look after you." he replied 

"Ren, why. do. you. have. bite. marks?" I said emphasizing each word.

"Ah- this? um... ah... it's... well..." 

"They bit you didn't they?"

"Yes, since you were the one that they were meant to feed on but I insisted because I didn't want you to get hurt." he uncrossed his hands and held my hand.

"Wait, wait a minute where's my necklace?" I remember what dad said to me before I woke up. I touched my bare neck to see nothing on my neck. 

"Ah the necklace, the doctor took it off you since it might disturb your rest." Ren explained.

"I need the necklace right now, get the doctor, I NEED THE NECKLACE!" I shouted making Ren flinch 

"I'm sorry Ren, I really need the necklace." I apologised 

"I'm sorry Eun-Jeong but we can't give it to you." I turned to see Jeonghan with the same hospital clothes as me and the rest of the brothers either supporting him or behind him. 


"I'm sorry Eun-Jeong but we can't give it to you until we know who you really are." Seungcheol said shaking his head.


I'm sorry if this isn't that interesting but I hope the next few chapters will entertain you since there's gonna be a few scenes. I'll update soon but not very soon.  

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