Chapter 23

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November 24th

Two days of exams have passed and Eun-Jeong's head was full of thoughts on what happened for the past month and a half. She had gotten closer with the brothers and even her own brother. Though she had been noticing that the older brothers had been calling for Ren about every night and that the very next day he would look pale. She asked her brother about why he was pale but he would always reply with a "oh, do I?" or a "maybe I haven't have enough sleep". But soon she got rid of that thought as her school exams were about to start...

*Eun-Jeong's POV*

*Yawn* "Dino how was the exam, good? or bad?" I asked as I stood up and took a a stretch.

"I felt that it is easy now since you and Ren had started tutoring me"

"I'm glad that I am helpful, let's go and get lunch"

"Okay, just wait for a moment while I pack my stuff away" Dino started packing his books and taking out the last period lesson books.

"Hey, Dino is it just me or is this room getting cold and I feel death stares behind my back?" I turned around to see girls with red eyes, animal ears and tails, sharp nails, snake hair and even a teacher biting a napkin and pulling it.

"I thought you got used to this?"

"Well today it is really strong and I think they might attack"

"Let's just go to the cafeteria and get food and meet up with Vernon since he doesn't really like to socialize with others"



I put the tray of bowls that are all emptied on the table where there are piles of dirty, unwashed bawls, plates and utensils. I turned around to see a girl that is dressed all posh and rich with a few 'minions' behind her.

I tied to go another way but they blocked it and I tried the other way but one of the minions tired to trip me but I skipped over her and scoffed and walked to Dino and Vernon who are talking about something that seems very suspicious.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and took a seat in between them while ignoring the deaths of the girls behind me.

I think I won't be able to sleep tonight

"Why?" Dino asked

"I think sooner or later they are going to kill me"

"Well protect you before they even touch your hair" boasted Vernon

"Are you sure?"

"You don't believe me" Vernon pouted

"Well, remember when we were at the mall to buy my present? you lost us and If I was by myself how am I even able to get rescued by you?"

"Ah! now you reminded me when we get back home we have something for you" He said avoiding the topic


*After school going home*

We stopped at the university to pick up the older brothers and there are flocks of females squealing as the brothers walked down the stairs. The car door slide open and the brothers all came and some fans that saw me stopped squealing and gave me death stares and some mouthing I will kill you

I shivered in fear...

"Are you okay Jeongnie?" Minghao asked me

"Yeah, it's just these days I always get stares from girls and I think they are up to something..."

*Arrived at home*

One by one everyone got off and the maids opened the door, everyone went in except for me because I felt as if someone was breathing behind me. I turned around to see no one there.

"Eun-Jeong are you coming inside?" Hoshi called out from inside

"Yep i'm coming..." (This sound weird soz, I have a dirty mind)

I went inside, but just to see for the last time if there was someone behind me I saw a glimpse of glowing eyes even though it could be a animal but it felt as if a person is staring at me AT NIGHT!

"Come here Eun-Jeong!" Seokmin waved 

I followed him to the living room and the brothers sat on the sofa some on top of the other's lap and some on chairs.

I saw a chair that is in front of everyone and Hoshi signaled me to sit there, I sat on the chair without hesitation.

"Dino have told me about the girls and we are worried about your safety so we are giving you a choice of protections that you are to wear every time." Seungcheol spoke and signaled with his hands and a maid brought a tray. She placed it on the coffee table next to me. 

On the tray laid;

- A watch

- A necklace

- A ring

- A bracelet 

"These all have a safety button that once you press it it tells us you are in danger and your location, also on your phone we had installed an app so we can also track you down if you were in danger as well." Seungcheol continued 

"Choose one." Jeonghan



 P.S just giving you a little spoiler what Jeonghan just said will be said quite frequently...

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