Chapter 35

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As the three boys entered the room all attention was towards the eldest pulling the younger ones's ears. Slowly as they were about to sit Ren was about to read the letter but Mrs Min stopped him. 

"Ren, I think it is the best for you to read the letter alone by yourself before you tell us what it is in there. Tell Eun-Jeong later on after you've read the letter and Eun-Jeong you can read the latter from me later as well." Mrs Min said knowing that the truth in the letter would hurt the only just reunited siblings. 

Ren nodded and placed the letter away. 

"Mum, can you please tell us what is going on, I don't get anything of what you guys have been saying the whole time," Seokmin said scratching his head. 

"I don't get this as well..." Jihoon usually the smartest one among the brothers doesn't get it as well.

Before anyone else was able to speak Eun-Jeong's stomach grumbled. 

"Well, since Eun-Jeong is hungry why don't we get something to eat and talk about this later because I'm hungry too." said Mr Min who was quietly sitting near Ren.

While mostly everyone left expect for Joshua who stayed beside Eun-Jeong...

*Joshua's POV*

I looked at her while she flipped through photos of her parents and I ended up sitting on the bed too looking at the photos and she didn't mind.

The smell of grapefruit filled my nose as I sniffed her short hair and I closed my eyes imagining a field of white flowers and yellow grapefruits dangling under branches with the smell of freshness. Then a soft squishy thing touching my lips for a brief moment. I opened my eyes to see Eun-Jeong Covering her mouth and blushed. 

"Was that just your lips?" I asked touching my lips 

"I'm sorry! you were sniffing my hair and I turned around and our lips touched. I'm so sorry!" She covered herself and apologised

"It's okay, but tell me before you want to kiss me." I teased her

"It wasn't meant to be a kiss and it was not intentional." She pouted 

She's so cute, even though we hadn't been able to spend much time together. 

"Aw, I thought you liked me!~" I teased pretending to feel hurt

"I do, I love all of you but I don't know what my real feelings are because I never really knew what love is." She responded and her aura turned grey. Yes, my other speciality is being able to see people's aura and know what they are feeling. 

"I'm sorry, I will teach you what love is once we get everything sorted!~" I said trying to cheer her up while also pinching her cheeks.

*Ahem!* Someone interrupted and it was the rest of the family, Mum and Dad seemed to have changed into proper clothes and Mingyu and DK was holding the lunch for everyone. 

10 mins later~ 

"Ah! I'm full now. It's delicious though, where did you buy it?" I asked 

"Mingyu made it." Wonwoo said after he swallowed his last bite. 

"OH MA GAWD! that was the best lunch I had ever had! Mingyu come here!~" Eun-Jeong said as she waved her hands at Mingyu for a hug. Instantly Mingyu was already in Eun-Jeong's arms and she nearly hugged his life out of him. 

She stroked his hair and slowly fell asleep. 

"Let's go back home I wanna sleep in a proper bed." Dino said and started putting rubbish in plastic bags. 

"We'll go back home, Ren could you please look after Eun-Jeong and while you have time you can do what I said to you a while back." Mum gave a smile to Ren, the smile that she only showed to our family no one else had ever seen her smile like that. It's the first for mum to smile to someone other than her family. But Ren is part of our family since they are Ae Ra's descendants. Anyways...

"Mum are you sure Ren is able to protect Eun-Jeong, I'm not against it but he already has low stamina." Coups hyung said worryingly 

"It'll be fine, I already talked to Ren about it and if he gets tired he will text one of you bothers and switch places." Dad said and nodded at Ren, which he replies with a bow. 

Ren's POV

After, they all left I went back to my seat and started reading the letter that was given to me by my parents.

10 mins later~

No! this can't be! I'm 'their' son?!?! NO!! 

I crumbled the paper and sighed while looking at Jeongie's sleeping face. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" I started crying 

Why? Why was I even born in the first place? Why couldn't they just let the hunters kill me? Why is my life all a lie?

A piece of paper fell from the envelope. 

It's from him, huh?

Fuck! I need a smoke!  (This is Ren's other personality taking over him as he gets angry)

I left the room, of course I locked it. I texted one of the brothers, the eldest Master Seungcheol, just noting that I will be out for a while. 


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