Chapter 19

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11 pm at Thursday night, 10th of September 2016

*Seungcheol's POV*

I walked down the stairs to see Ren closing his door. I gestured my hand signalling him to come with me. He followed...


"So what is it that you need to ask me?" I asked as I took a sip of coffee that the maid prepared.

"Ah... the school who am I supposed to accompany?" He asked 

"You'll be attending our university so you will be accompanying the older ones, anything else?" 

"I just want to notify you that I have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) so I won't be able to control myself if I change, and can you keep this a secret?" His hands shakes as he spoke.

"Hmm.. okay i'll keep this a secret but if you want to control your body better you can go into therapy with Joshua and he can help you out"

"Ah.... Ok...." 

"I got a question for you, can you cook?" 

"Ummm.... yeah I can bake sweets and cakes... that's all I can do." His face flushed 

'ah... this is so embarrassing!!! ' I read his mind 

"Okay I am going to wake up Eun-Jeong and see how she is doing and try and reconcile with her, we don't want fights to happen in this house." 

*End of Flashback*

"Master Seungcheol, what is it that you need from me?" the voice filled my mind I went back to my senses. I looked around to see Ren standing 2 meters away from me.

"Sorry I was just getting spaced out." 

"Do you need blood?" He asked as he took out his pocket knife.

"No I don't need blood right now, I was just think how to make Eun-Jeong reconcile with you." I said as I sighed. I faced Ren who pouted and put away his pocket knife.

"It won't work no matter what method you use..."

"No matter what method huh? Ren I heard that you can fight right?"



11:05 pm

*Eun-Jeong's POV*

"Eun-Jeong!" I heard someone call me, I turned around to see Seokmin running towards me with open arms. I opened my arms and he sped up and hugged me. 

"It's only a hour or two till your birthday so I want to say happy birthday to you!" He said as he let go "but your present won't  be until later, okay?" he did a okay with his fingers.

I replied back with and okay with my fingers and mouthed thanks.

"Ah Eun-Jeong come here," I heard Seungcheol's voice from the living room

I walked towards the voice to see Ren standing next to the sitting Seungcheol.

Urgh why is he here? Haven't seen him around and then BOOM! he's here *sighs mentally*

"Eun-Jeong don't speak rude of your brother!" Seungcheol had an angry tone.

"I'm sorry for my rude behavior but why must he be here."

"He is here as my assistant for business and your brother here in this house hold and anywhere you go. You must remember that if you don't want history to repeat itself, we also don't want history to repeat it self." Seungcheol sounded very disappointed.

"Yes, I understand what you mean. I will try my best to hold down my anger." I bowed

"Now you and Ren go on an errand for me and try to get close to each other okay? and remember no fighting." Seungcheol sounded like a father...

"Yes Master Seungcheol." said Ren with a blank face.

"What errand are we doing?" I asked

"Here take this, this is a list of things to buy and also the card is your card from now on. I'll deposit some money from time to time." Seungcheol said as he handed me a small of piece and a gold credit card.

"I am very grateful, how can I repay you?" I bowed again.

"As long as you fill our desired wishes, now run along with your brother and come back safely!~" said Jeonghan who appear out of noand stand next to Seungcheol...

Why does Seungcheol and Jeonghan sound so fatherly and motherly...

"Eun-Jeong if you would please follow me, Master Mingyu is waiting for us." Ren spoke as he held the door for me.

I cleared my throat and walked out the door while whispered my gratitude to Ren.

11:15 pm

We landed safely near the mall that we went a few days ago.


A sound of a phone text, I looked to where the sound came from and it was Mingyu. He looked confused.

"What's wrong Mingyu?" I asked out of confusion

"Ahhhhh..... Ummmm..... Wonwoo wants me to got back home and he said it was urgent."

"It's okay you can got back home. This mall is supervised by camera right? And this company has Dino as acting Vice President right. So you don't have to worry if something happens or we are prepared to go back we will contact you." I said

I understood Mingyu who is always there for Wonwoo no matter what so I can't let Wonwoo wait...

"Are you sure Eun-Jeong?"


"The I will leave now." Within seconds he left and left Ren and me alone in the mall where hardly any people will be at this time of the night...


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