Part 7

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Yes Im trying to finish.
Bear with me.

When Luhan first blinked his eyes in a very painful way, feeling the light blind him from the outside, he felt his heart stopped.

The first thing that came into his view was an unfamiliar room. It was probably morning, due to the sunlight. And the room was all white in colour with a little turquoise blue for the ceiling.

Oh shit I don't even remember how I end up here.

Luhan had desperately wanted to sit up but he couldn't move his hands to push himself up. Only his fingers managed to move a few inches.

Too weak.

Luhan thought as he blinked a few times more.

Just as he was about to ask out loud where the heck he was at, the door opened, making Luhan jerked his head over to see a man entering with a tub of water and a cloth.

Luhan could feel his heart stopped completely as his eyes widen at the sight of the man.

Oh fucking Sehun? Asgjfkdjjdj.

Luhan's mouth involuntarily dropped open as Sehun entered the room, kicking the door shut with his leg. He was wearing a smile which Luhan did not know what it could possibly meant.

"You're finally awake."
Sehun stated.

Luhan's mouth opened and close like a fish gaping for air but nothing came out. His mind didn't seem to be working as he continued to stare at his long lost love.

"Your body is still weak I guess. "

Sehun said. He paused for a while before saying again.

"I have to apologise for yesterday. I.. You probably don't remember but I bumped into you in the alley. You fainted and so I brought you home.. Don't worry it's just a mild fever. You got better this morning."
Sehun said as he handed Luhan a cup of water.

Luhan merely stared at him but he worked up his strength and managed to take the water without pouring it onto his sheets or something.

"You...know me?"

Words escaped Luhan's lips before he could stop himself. It had been a question he had been dreading to hear for so long.

But Luhan could feel disappointment seeping through him as he watched Sehun furrowed his brows.

"No.. Am I supposed to?"

Luhan managed a tight smile as he muttered.

"No.. It's okay. Thanks. Do you mind if I make a call?"

"Not at all. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. Im really sorry about yesterday by the way."

Sehun said apologetically as he gave a smile and closed the door from the room.

Luhan sat still on the bed as he watched the door closed. It was such pain in his chest. In his heart. To see Sehun looking at him like a complete stranger.

Is he always that kind to strangers? Is he always smiling to strangers?


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