Part 11

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Almost to the end guys. Im sorry .


Luhan didn't even realise he was holding his breath as he stepped rather hesitantly to the forest. John had covered for him today as he knew he would choose to go either way.

And there Luhan was, walking in the early morning, clutching the piece of paper like his life. He exhaled a shaky breath as he peeped from the tree.

A gasp escaped him as he saw the person he missed the most sitting by the big rock, pulling his jacket together as he exhaled into his palms, creating warmth.

He really did come.
Luhan felt his knees weaken but he stood strong, fists clenching over the piece of paper. He didn't move. Luhan couldn't believe he was actually hesitating when he was already so close.

He knew he still couldn't be with him. He is the king. That made it even more impossible than it already was.
Sehun. And him. They weren't meant to be.

Luhan was doubting now. Sweat trickled down his back as he held onto the tree that was blocking him from Sehun's view. Yes, he loved him. He never stopped. But he didn't want to hurt him. He wouldn't dream of it.

And that was when Luhan stepped slowly backwards, away from Sehun.
Luhan was taking careful steps backwards when suddenly he stepped on a branch. At the sound, Sehun jolted his head to Luhan's direction.

And Luhan did the stupidest thing he had ever done.

He never dreamt of running away from Sehun. But here he was, running from his fear. His fear of getting his heart broken.

He heard fast footsteps following and Luhan did not slow down. He heard someone shouting, probably Sehun, he did not slow down.

But dread sipped through him as Luhan reached a river, that was kind of a dead end in the forest. He was panting as he stopped, so did the other person.

Luhan had his hands on his knees when Sehun spoke.
"Why.... Why would you run from me?"

"You knew the answer to that."
Luhan whispered.

Sehun gulped as he spoke carefully.
"Luhan. I remembered. I finally remembered some things between us .And Im...gosh Im so sorry that I took so fucking long."

"I still loved you. In the deep of my heart, even behind the Sekyung of me, I still fell in love with you."

Luhan's heart involuntarily fluttered at the sound of this.

"Luhan. I may not be able to remember every single detail. But I know that I fell deeply in love with you all over again."

Luhan felt his heart clenched at this as he looked away, trying to control his own tears.

"So you don't exactly remember everything?"

"I.. Have bad memories about you. But meeting you again makes my heart flutter. I remember our first encounter and our last and some pieces in between."

"You do know that Im king right? That i couldn't possibly be with you."
Luhan whispered, letting the words seeped into Sehun.

Sehun merely scrunched his eyebrows as though in pain.
"But I love you. I don't care. I can't lose you. Not anymore."

"But how? Tell me..."
Luhan whispered, his arms came to fold together, as if hiding himself from the cold.

Sehun stepped forward, and when Luhan did not flinch away, he took his hands in his own.
"Run away with me."
He leaned in and whispered into his ears, making Luhan shuddered.

The dread seeped into both of them as Luhan muttered slowly.
"I want to. But I can't."

Sehun sighed as he leaned away, looking at Luhan in an adoring way.
"You do know how to ruin a moment, your majesty."

Luhan remained silence as he knew if he talked to Sehun more, he would just plant himself right there and will be unable to withdraw himself any longer.
He couldn't understand why Sehun was acting like this. Like it wasn't something serious. Is it not worth his worry at all?

"Hey. Hey Lu?"
Sehun waved his hand in front of Luhan, startling him.
He was smiling at him.
Why the fuck is he smiling at him? Is this a dream? Did he hit his head again?

"Why are you acting like this?"
Luhan whispered slowly. He couldn't seem to sooth his furrows from his brows.

"Because I know the way to make me yours."
Sehun spoke like it was the proudest thing he ever said.

Luhan's ears perked up at this.
"What do you mean?"

But Sehun merely shrugged.
"You'll see, your majesty. Patience is everything."

Luhan felt a fire burning inside his stomach. He couldn't believe Sehun, acting all free and careless like he didn't matter.

Sehun seemed to notice this as his smile fell from his face.
"Hey Luhan? Im.. Im sorry. Just... You'll understand once the problems are solved. Don't... Look so mad."

Luhan snorted.
"You're sorry? Are you fuckin with me right now? Did you played me? Did you actually lose your memory at all? Did someone pay you to make a joke on the king? Cause I see no sense here. And you're not explaining things like you promised in your damn sheet of paper."

He threw the paper on the ground and walked away, trying to hide in his tears that were falling from his face.
Sehun changed. I don't know what this is.

He knew Sehun was stunned. And he knew it would only take seconds till Sehun will come running after him. Maybe?

So Luhan ran with all his might.

Away from the sorrows.

Away from the dream he feared.

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