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* Advised to listen to "Gabriel's Oboe" when reading these two chapters. It's really touching .

Luhan nodded and followed Sehun as they sat on a big rock.

"So here I go."
Sehun murmured as he placed his lips on the oboe and adjusted his mouthpiece.

He let out a deep breath and played.

The moment the sound of the oboe travelled into Luhan's ears, his tears dropped like rivers.

He could feel Sehun's emotions in the whole song.

The way he was pulled away by the King's guard.

The regret of not having the chance of being on bed with him.

The empty feeling whenever he stared at Luhan's balcony on the big oak tree just outside.

The hesitation when he slid the message through his window.

The anxiousness everytime he sneaked into the palace.

The pain when he saw Luhan outside face to face for the first time in so many years.

The feeling when he thought he was just a lowly person compared to Prince Luhan.

The choiceless feeling when his mother planned his wedding with a stranger.

The pull from Luhan making him want to die by himself everytime for not being able to be with him.

The love he had been keeping for years and finally about to explode into nothing.

Luhan, I loved you all these years.
Where were you all the time?

Luhan could even hear Sehun's thoughts from the song. He was so busy wiping his tears of his face. It seemed useless as his tears flood his face like rivers.

He sobbed so hard that he didn't even realize Sehun had finish the song.

Sehun was also crying but he was trying his best to hold it in.

"Is it that bad?"
Sehun chuckled as he wiped Luhan's tears away with his thumb.

Luhan's heart nearly stopped.
He didn't realize how much he had been missing his touch.

He shook his head so hard and said.
"It's...painfully beautiful. Im..I-"

Sehun shook his head.
"Shh. Don't. Don't say."

Luhan took another breath .
"What's the song called?"

"Originally Gabriel's oboe. But since I played it, maybe Sehun's oboe?"
Sehun grinned and his eyes curved beautifully.

Luhan smiled and hit Sehun on the arm.
"You .. "


"Why did you choose this instrument? It's really beautiful." Luhan wondered out loud.

Sehun glanced at his oboe and carrased it gently.
"Because it reminded me of you. My feelings. So beautiful. Sad . Fragile. Yet so easily clinged onto someone's heart."

Luhan stared at Sehun.
He couldn't hide the sadness in his smile.

"So I guess this is the goodbye."
Sehun said.

"Don't remind me."

"Well, it's true."

Luhan stared into Sehun's eyes and were easily drunk in them.
It pulled them closer.

It was until Luhan had realized they were only inches apart with their foreheads touched.

Sehun seemed to be out from his daze as well. His espression changed as his eyes shone with pain and he struggled away.

Luhan held his hand.

Sehun pushed Luhan's hand away.
He couldn't face him.
Sehun was breathing so heavily that Luhan almost suffocated.

"Don't. Im getting so lost. You can't ...pull me back. You need to let me go. You have to free me. Im trapped. Please."
Sehun's voice cracked as he said it, still facing away from Luhan.

Luhan was crying so hard he couldn't even talk.

But finally he struggled for his last word.
"I let you go Sehun. Goodbye."

Sehun's shoulders shook and Luhan knew he was crying.

"Bye Luhan."

And Sehun ran away.

Leaving Luhan to collaspe on his knees and cry his heart out.

Luhan leaned against the rock as he sobbed. He felt like he couldn't live anymore. His lungs wont work.

He couldn't breath.
His heart was being squeezed so painfully.
The more he thought .
Of Sehun.
Of Jace.

Sehun, a man he wanted to protect but couldn't.

Jace, a boy he vowed he would never let anyone hurt him.

Because he reminded Luhan so much of Sehun.

No reasons.


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