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"Dad. It hurts."

A melodic sound sounded the sword fighting hall and snapped Luhan out of his dreams.

He looked down at his three year old son and sent an apologetic smile at him.

"Sorry Jace." He spoke.

It had been three years since Sehun and he never met him then. At least he was sure that he was still alive out there.

Thinking all these things made him drift off from teaching his son sword holding. It made him accidentaly gripped his son's hands too strongly.

His son.
A pretty boy with golden hair , skin and eyes that could shimmer in the sunlight.
It was Luhan's honour to have him despite his mother.

Jace was unexpectedly smart and intelligent in his young age. Only three, and he was able to handle sword fighting as agile as possible.

"We'll start off again then." said Luhan and let Jace do his own job alone.

"Dad.. It's something bothering you?"
Jace said as the two of them sat resting on the floor.

Luhan shook his head and answered.
"Actually it's someone. You know that I don't love you mum right?"

Jace nodded and looked down.
"Why not?"

"Someone came...earlier. Someone special." Luhan bit back a tear.

"Who's that someone..." Jace stared up at his father with round golden eyes.

"You will meet him someday. When you're lucky enough. Seriously I have trusted that you are a gift from the Angels. What beautiful golden eyes you had." Luhan smiled and ruffled Jace's hair gently.

"Dad is beautiful too." Jace murmured as he leaned into Luhan's embrace, wrapping his little arms around his dad's waist.

"You somehow remind me of him sometimes ." Luhan chuckled lightly and pinched Jace's cheeks.

"You'll grow up into a strong man just like him.." Luhan said in a sigh.

Jace looked up at his father and could see through his eyes how his father had missed the mysterious lad.
Tints of sadness tingled in Luhan's eyes all the time he wasn't busy.
Especially when he was with Jace.

Jace didn't understand. But he had hoped for his father's happiness. Honestly he had choosen to like his father more than his mother.

Maybe he was just destined to be like his father.

Stubborn. Smart.

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