A Little Left Behind (A Hunter Hayes fanfiction)

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Hunter tried to pretend he didn't hear someone knock on the door. He had just played a huge show in Nashville the night before and he wanted to get his full eight hours of sleep in or maybe even more. After more persistent banging on the door, Hunter rose up out of bed, in only a pair of blue flannel sleep pants. He pulled on a grey shirt and walked out of the bedroom, through the kitchen, and to the door. He looked out through the peephole. Dang it, he thought, it was his girlfriend Haley, who he hadn't seen in give or take nine months. Though they did exchange text messages every now and then, they never did meet up.

"Open the door Hunter!" Haley shouted. "I know you're in there."

Hunter opened the door and then almost fell over to what he saw. Right beside of Haley in the floor was a baby carrier, and a baby inside. He already tried to calculate it in his head, that's why he hadn't seen Haley in nine months...she had been pregnant.

"Her name is Annabelle." Haley said softly. "I meant to tell you a different way, but you have been on tour for so long. When I found out last night was your last tour date, I decided I would drop by."

"You wanted to drop by and what?" Hunter asked "Tell me I have a daughter? Haley, you could have told me sooner. Like when you found out you were pregnant."

Haley pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face and said, "You just started touring and I knew as soon as you found out, you wouldn't want to be on the road so much."

After a few more seconds of standing there in shock, Hunter let Haley and the baby in.

"I was planning on telling you before I gave birth, but my mom got sick." Haley explained. "Look Hunter, I need to ask you a really big favor. And if you don't want to do it, that's fine. There are plenty of other adoptive parents out there looking for children. My dad's been having a hard time since my mom passed and he lives all the way out in Colorado. I can't take Annabelle with me because he lives on a ranch and there are things that need to be done. Things that I have to do that doesn't make me have much time for her."

Hunter looked at Annabelle. She had his blue eyes and blonde hair. He held his index finger out and Annabelle grabbed hold of it quickly and squeezed. Before today he could never imagine himself as a father yet. Heck, he was only twenty-two. But looking at this little miracle, he couldn't resist to smile. He knew she was going to have his charm.

"Hunter, I need an answer." Haley said. She looked like she was about to cry. "I will even send you money."

"You know I don't need money." Hunter said as he stood up. He sighed loudly. "I don't even have a crib Haley. How am I supposed to take care of her? I don't know anything about babies."

"I have a friend who is willing to help you out." Haley explained. "She's offered to babysit and help you with anything. Her name is Maisy. Just give her a call and she will help with the crib and all that stuff."

Haley grabbed her purse and stood up, leaving a diaper bag and Annabelle on the couch.

"Wait, when do you have to leave?" Hunter asked. He ran a hand through his short hair.

"Today, look she has enough diapers and bottles to last her for the day." Haley told him. "I would suggest calling Maisy right now so she can help. Well, I better go. Got a plane to catch and don't wanna miss it."

Haley kissed Hunter on the cheek and then walked out the door. That was the last time he ever saw or heard from her again. 

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