Chapter 19 One beautiful wife and a what???

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Hunter’s POV Two Hours after arriving at hospital

I paced up and down the maternity waiting room, hoping a doctor or a nurse would come get me as soon as Maisy was out of surgery. Normall, the husband was allowed to be in the operating room during the c-section, but since the baby was two months premature, a lot could go wrong. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out. I had a text from Sam asking me about Maisy. I told him she was still in surgery. As I hit the send button, the doctor walked in.  I stood there as the doctor walked up to me.

“She’s perfectly fine.” Dr. Adams said with a smile. “Both girls are fine.”

Both girls, he just said girls??? I have another daughter!

“I…I have another daughter?” I asked, getting choked up on tears.

Dr. Adams laughed and said, “Yes Hunter, you have another beautiful baby girl. Let me tell you, it’s a miricale that little one hung on like she did. Now, we are going to have to keep her in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a while, just because she is still premature. But at the rate she is going, you should be able to take her home in about a week or so.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and shook Dr. Adams’ hand. After he left, I took my phone out once again and dialed my mom’s number.

“Mom, I just talked to the doctor.” I told her. “Both Maisy and the baby are fine. Oh and tell Annabelle and Jackson that they have a new baby sister.”

I couldn’t wait to Maisy, and let her know how proud I was of her. It killed me that I couldn’t be in there with her. After what felt like forever, a nurse came in and told me that Maisy was in recovery and she showed me to her room. I let a tear fall down as I saw her laying in the bed, she was awake, but she looked tired.

“Hey stranger.” Maisy said as she reached out a hand for me. I grabbed hold of her hand and then kissed her forehead. Well, I basically kissed her all over her face and sobbed while doing it. “Its ok baby, the doctor said we were fine.”

“I could have lost both of you in there.” I said, not letting go of her hand, but pulling up a chair. “I wouldn’t know what to do if I would have lost you and the baby.”

“Did Dr. Adams tell you it’s a girl?” Maisy asked me, a big smile forming on her face.

I nodded and said, “Yes. He did tell me and I called Mom and told her to tell the kids. I will have to go get them in the morning so they can meet their new baby sister.”

“We’re going to have to pick out a name.” Maisy said as she brought her other hand up and placed it against my cheek. “Make it something strong too, because our little girl is a fighter.”

“Well, we’ll have to see her before we name her.” I told her. “I don’t think I could name her without seeing her and holding her. “ Maisy agreed.

After about an hour of us talking, Maisy fell asleep. I knew she was tired from what happened before and during the surgery. I quickly stood up and kissed her on the forehead. I felt an urge for coffee since it was almost eight in the morning. As I was wondering around the hospital looking for the cafeteria, I found the doors to the NICU. I walked up to the nurse’s station and asked, “Excuse me, is there any way I could see my daughter?”

The nurse smiled and nodded, recognizing who I was. She went into a backroom and brought out a pair of scrubs for me. Of course I had to wear something over my clothes. It was the NICU for crying out loud. After I put on the scrubs, she led me into the NICU, and down to the incubator where mine and Maisy’s daughter was sleeping. She was such a tiny baby.

“Now we do have her on oxygen just to be on the safe side.” The nurse explained. “Her levels were a little low, but that’s quite normal for a preemie.”

I let a tear fall down as I watched my baby girl sleep. This is the one thing I didn’t get with Annabelle, I didn’t get to see her born and I didn’t get to see her in the hospital. I regret not getting that time with her every day.

“Can I hold her?” I asked.

The nurse smiled and nodded. She quickly unwrapped a blanket and placed it in my arms and then pulled down a side of the incubator. She was very gently with getting the baby out.

“Hey there jitterbug.” The nurse said. “Do you wanna meet your daddy?”

I felt a surge of happiness as the nurse placed my newborn daughter in my arms. Apparently she only wieghed 4 pounds, which was tiny.  I rocked her back and forth slowly and then kissed the top of her head.

“Aisy.” I said lowly.

“What was that?” The nurse asked.

“Her name.” I replied. “Her name is Aisy Brooklyn Hayes.”

*Ok so about the baby being preemie, I know in real life the baby would have to stay in the hospital until its actual due date due to complications and such. But I am just making this up a little as I go.

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