Chapter 12 Dying For Drama pt. 2

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Maisy’s POV

It killed me to watch Hunter run around the house throwing stuff around. He was upset and scared. Our baby girl was missing. That freaking bitch took her, and knocked me out in the process.  I could barely even remember dinner since I woke up. As Hunter came back into the living room, you could tell his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

“She took her!” Hunter yelled. “She took our baby!”

He jumped as his phone started to ring. I knew it was, it was her. That bitch; I was never going to forgive her now. Everytime she did something wrong she always came back and apologized for it but she always got her way. I was not going to put up with seeing Hunter hurt like this. I watched him answer the phone and talk to Haley. He yelled at her too, and when he hung up he looked me right in the eyes.

“She wants me to meet her…alone.” Hunter said softly. “She said she wants me to meet her at her our special place.”

“Special place, what special place?” I asked, kinda feeling jealous. When he and Haley dated, I never knew of them to have a special place.

“The Opry.” Hunter answered. “I used to take her there late at night, and I would sing to her. She would sit in the front row and I would stand on that circle.”

“I knew it, I knew that bitch has feelings for you.” I shouted.  I was letting my emotions get the best of me, and the pregnancy harmones were taking over. “She can’t stay away.”

“Maisy, what are you talking about?” Hunter asked as he placed his hands on my shoulders. “You don’t think she’s going to convince me to leave you do you? Maisy, you’re carrying my child. She’s got our daughter, and that’s the only reason I am about to embark on this chase. I would never leave you, not ever.”

Tears fell down my face, and I started to sob in his arms.

“I’m not letting you go alone.” I told him.

“That’s the one thing she specified was for me to go alone.” Hunter explained. “You can ride with me to Sam’s, but I will drop you off with him. As soon as I get Annabelle back in my arms, I will come back for you.”

Hunter’s POV

My whole body shook after I pulled out of Sam’s driveway.  I hated leaving Maisy, but I knew I had to deal with Haley on my own. I knew what she really wanted, and I was willing to give it to her. From day one Haley had always been about money. Fancing things like, designer bags, cars, and clothes. If money was what it took for her to give me my baby back, then I would willingly hand it over. At this point, I knew that a lawyer wouldn’t help. I thought our life would be free and clear after she signed those papers, but I guess I was wrong. I felt a tear fall down my face as I pulled into the parking lot near the Grand Ole Opry. It was almost midnight. My hands were balled up into fists by the time I made it through the door. As I walked through the pews, I could see Annabelle. She was laying in the middle of the sacred wooden circle, asleep. Her face was red from crying.

“Annabelle!” I yelled as I tried to walk faster towards the stage. She shot up and her face lit up.

“Daddy.” She said in her soft voice.

I ran up the stairs on the stage and grabbed her. I held her tightly in my arms and cried. I cried till I felt like no more tears could be produced. I kissed her about twenty times, and hugged her more. I could feel my heart meding back together again.

“What a touching moment.” Haley said as she walked from the left side of the stage. “There for a minute I thought you weren’t going to make it.”

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