chapter 3 playing with fire

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It had been two months since Hunter had found out that he was a father, and his life had been turned upside down. Annabelle hadn't been a crazy baby, but Hunter had his work cut out for him. After he and Maisy went shopping for baby furniture, she had agreed to take babysit Maisy while he had to go to the studio and do press conferences. Maisy was great with Annabelle, and Hunter was starting to fall for her. He knew he shouldn't fall in love when he had a daughter to take care of, but it was kind of hard not to when Maisy and Annabelle went everywhere with him.

Hunter smiled as he sat down at the table. He, Maisy and Annabelle were at a little café in downtown Franklin for lunch. He was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans, black converse, and a red and white baseball tee.

"She missed you this morning." Maisy told him, as she rocked the carrier back and forth with her foot. She was wearing a purple and pink flower sundress and wedges. Her hair long this time instead of a pony tail.

Hunter reached down and picked Annabelle up out of the carrier.

"Hey princess." He said and then kissed her head. "Daddy missed you so much."

Annabelle cooed and smiled as Hunter rocked her back and forth in his arms.

"How did the meeting go?" Maisy asked. She took a sip of her water.

"Good, we chose the album cover and started to choose which songs we wanted." Hunter explained. "Its getting more crazy every time we meet. I cannot wait until this album is released. Maisy, its going to be epic. The fans have been so patient with us."

Maisy smiled as Hunter talked about his music. She knew that he loved what he did and wouldn't trade the world for it. She also knew that in the past couple of months, he has completely fallen head over heels for Annabelle. She had seen it before though, someone finding out they are a parent and then falling in love with their child, then something bad always happens.  She knew Hunter's love for Annabelle was true but she was still afraid something big was going to happen with his career and he was just going to push his daughter to the side.

"So, what's going on with you?" Hunter asked placing Annabelle back in the carrier and sitting down himself. "Any lucky guys calling you up?"

Maisy laughed.

"Nope, I tend to stay away from guys."Maisy replied. "Most guys don't like a girl who gets attached to someone else's children."

Hunter wished he could admit his feelings for her. She was a beautiful, smart and funny girl. He was just didn't want her getting pulled into the business with him and getting hurt. Relationships with celebrities have turned out to be crazy. He didn't want her to think he was just leading her on.

"Annabelle loves you." Hunter said, flashing his white smile. "And I..."

"You what Hunter?" Maisy asked.

He felt the need to tell her how he felt about her, but the words got caught in his throat.

After eating lunch they went back home. Annabelle was in need of an afternoon nap. Hunter sighed as he sat down on the couch beside of Maisy.

"You never did finish what you were going to tell me earlier." Maisy said as she turned to face him. His blonde hair was slicked back, and he looked like he was worn out.

"Oh, it was nothing." Hunter replied. He was scared to say it now. He didn't feel like it was the right time anymore.

"Hunter, come on." Maisy begged. "If you don't let it out, its just going to eat you up inside. Please tell me."

He turned towards her and then slowly pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. His hand then landed on the side of her cheek.

"I think I love you Maisy." Hunter admitted. A tear fell down his face. "I know we've only known each other for a few months and we have never dated, but we have been together almost every single day since the first day. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met."

Maisy smiled and then laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" Hunter asked.

"This is something I just knew you would say." Maisy said while still laughing. "You're a huge celebrity, the man of every girl's dream. This is a joke right? You don't really love me, you're just saying that so you can get some dates out of me. I am not that kind of girl, Hunter. I don't like to be played like this. I have feelings to ya know."

Hunter couldn't believe what he was hearing. She thought he was joking with her. She thought he was making fun of her.

"Maisy, I would never lie to you about something this serious." Hunter explained.

Maisy stood up and grabbed her jacket.

"I can't be here right now." Maisy said. "If you really love me, you will let me be for a couple of days. You're really playing with fire here."

Maisy walked out the door and it slammed shut. Not even a second later Annabelle started to scream.

A Little Left Behind (A Hunter Hayes fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ