Chapter 18 A Crazy Night

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Maisy’s POV

I awoke to hear screams, but this time they weren’t mine. I looked over to wake Hunter, but he wasn’t there . He must have went to see what the screaming was about. I tried to sit up on the bed, but it was harder with my bulging stomach in the way. I was seven months pregnant, and my belly was always getting in the way of something. As soon as I stood up I heard Annabelle cry, “Please don’t hurt my Daddy.” That’s when the motherly instinct kicked in and I ran as fast as I could over to her room.

When I got to Annabelle’s bedroom, I saw both her and Jackson sitting on the bed crying, Hunter on the floor,  and Derek standing over him. Hell, I thought, Why is he here again?

“Maisy.” Derek said as he turned around. “So nice of you to join us. How about you go downstairs and I will met you down there in say….about five minutes.”

“What the hell are you doing to my husband?” I asked after I saw there was blood on his shirt.

“Relax babe, I was just taking care of him for us.” Derek replied. “He got in the way when I tried to pack up some of Jackson’s things.”

“Derek!” I yelled. “Why are you even here? I told you to go back to St. Louis. I offered to let you go without pressing charges with the police.”

“Why does he get to be the one you choose?” Derek asked. “Is it the children? We could easily take them with us. Maisy, don’t you still love me?”

I stood there silent, hoping that if I closed my eyes, he would just disappear and Hunter wouldn’t be hurt anymore. Then I opened my eyes when I felt something wet run down my legs. My water had broke. I was starting to freak out.

“Hunter.” I said under my breath.  I saw Hunter try to sit up on the floor. His right eye was swelling shut and he had blood coming from his nose and mouth.

“Derek, we need to go to the hospital.” I said as I ran my hand over my stomach.

Derek looked at me then looked down to the floor.

“I can’t take you to the hospital.” Derek said as he rubbed his hands through his short hair. “Someone will notice me and call the cops.”

I knew it, I knew he came back here for more than just me. He had been raping other women and they had told. I quickly leaned against the chester drawers as I felt a contraction coming.

“Oh, this can’t be happening.” I said in between pants. “It’s too early. Derek this baby could die if I don’t get to the hospital. “

Derek sighed and then grabbed his jacket off of the floor.

“I can’t do this anymore Maisy.” Derek said. “I’m not going to help you, especially when you’re carrying his child. You’re just going to have to figure this one out on your own.”

He left the room, and I started to sob as I heard the front door slam downstairs. I fell to the floor and felt two arms wrap around me. It was Hunter, even though he was hurt, he still somehow got up to comfort me.

“I called an ambulance.” Hunter said weakly.

“Are you ok?” I asked my hands cupping his face.

Hunter took a deep breath and said. “Yeah I’m fine, but its you we need to worry about. This baby is coming way sooner than its supposed to be. “

“Did he hurt them?” I asked referring to the Annabelle and Jackson. It would kill me if he laid a hand on them.

“No, they are fine.” Hunter told me. “A little shook up, but fine. He tried to grab Jackson, but that’s when I stopped him and he started punching me and throwing me on the floor.”

I winced as another contraction came and I grabbed his hand and squeezed hard. I didn’t want to hurt him more than he already was, but the contraction was just so strong.

I smiled as Annabelle climbed down from the bed and climbed up on top of Hunter’s back.

“Hi baby.” I said, tears streaming down my face.

“Why are you crying mommy?” Annabelle asked.

“I’m just so happy that you and your brother are ok.” I replied, wiping a tear off my face.

“He hurt Daddy.” Annabelle said as she started to cry.

Hunter patted Annabelle on the arm.

“Hush baby, I’m ok.” Hunter assured her.  “I’ve just got a couple of scratches, that’s all.”

When the paramedics got there, we were all rushed into the ambulance. They couldn’t give me any medication to stop my labor, since my water had already broke.  Hunter had called Lynette and Leo, to come and pick up the kids. He didn’t want them hanging around the hospital with no one to watch them.  When they got Hunter cleaned up, he had to have ten stitches in his forehead. His nose was not broke, but he was going to have one hell of a black eye for a little while.  After having a fetal heart monitor on me for about an hour and a half, the doctor decided to go ahead with a c-section. Both Hunter and I were scared out of our minds. We had no idea how developed our baby was going to be.

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