Chapter 6 Hunter & Annabelle

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Hunter's POV

There was a chill in the air as I walked out to the car. I had already put Annabelle in the carseat but I ended up forgetting the diaper bag, so I had to go back inside the house to get it.

"Ok, we do have everything right?" I asked looking back at my six month old daughter who was chewing on a teething ring. "Keys, cell phone, diaper bag, bottles, change of clothes. Oh and stroller, can't forget that."

I got back out of the car and ran into the house to quickly grab the stroller. I really couldn't go for a run if I didn't have the stroller. How was I supposed to run with a six month old in my arms? Not possible. I put the stroller in the trunk and then slid back into the front seat.

"I don't know about you, but Daddy feels like this is going to be a long day." I said after a sigh.

After pulling out of the driveway, I headed towards the nearest Starbucks. I had to have my coffee if I was going to be up this early. The plan before I decided to go running was to sleep late, or at least try, and make it over to Maisy's by lunch. Tonight was going to be our first official date, well, I guess its still considered a date if you are taking your infant daughter trick or treating. When I asked Maisy if she wanted to come, she completely agreed and even decided to go costume shopping with me. I think she said something about dressing up as a 50s diner girl and I was going to be a cop. All of the costumes were over at Maisy's house. Good, one less thing I could forget.

I smiled as we got to the park, it looked peaceful and desolate enough. I pulled the stroller out of the trunk, and then pulled Annabelle out of the car seat.

"Are you ready to go running with Daddy?" I asked her. She kicked her legs and cooed a little. I know she's only six months old but to me she just seems so excited whenever I take her out. Whenever I brought her to my last show, she had a fit while I was in the meet and greet. Eventually Maisy brought her out to me, and as soon as she was in my arms, she was quiet. Lets just say half of the meet and greet pictures ended with Annabelle in them as well.

The run started off great, It was just me and Annabelle for about 10 minutes and then a young woman, jogging, came up on us.

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "You're Hunter Hayes aren't you? And who is this? Oh this must be Annabelle."

She leaned over the stroller to catch a glimpse.

"She has your eyes." she said.

I smiled and thanked her.

"Well, I need to get going." I lied. "I have got to meet my girlfriend in five minutes, and if I am late again she will kill me."

Well, it looked like my run was done early. As soon as I got back in the car, I headed to Maisy's. We were early, I smiled as she opened the door. she was still in her pajamas.

"Hey, I thought you were going for a run.?" Maisy asked.

"We did, but a fan ran into us and started to freak out over Annabelle. So I decided it was best to head over here before more started to head the same way." I explained.

"Is she ok?" Maisy asked. "Annabelle I mean."

"She's perfectly fine." I said as we walked into the house. "You know how she is around people. She loves the attention. Especially from the fans."

Maisy held her arms out to take Annabelle, and I haded her over willingly. We both walked back to her bedroom, which actually had a crib as well. She laid Annabelle down in the crib, and pointed to the bathroom.

"Shower is yours if you want to go first." Maisy said.

Yeah, so basically she was one of my best friends, who was my daughter's nanny, and we sometimes spent the night together. No we didn't sleep together, but when it was late, sometimes her house was closer than mine. I nodded and headed towards the bathroom.

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