Chapter 2 Living For Someone Else

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Hunter was shaking by the time he got to the mall parking lot. It took him almost an hour to install the carseat/carrier in his car. As soon as Haley left, he picked up the phone and called Maisy. Apparently she was supposed to know everything about babies and be able to help him take care of his. He got of his car and opened the door to the backseat where the car seat was at. Annabelle was sleeping. At the time he was glad she wasn't awake and screaming, but he was pretty sure it wasn't going to last long. He unbuckled Annabelle from the carseat and slowly picked her up. He then grabbed the diaper bag that Haley left with him.

"Lets make a deal." Hunter said after starting to walk towards the mall entrance. "I'll make sure you have everything you will ever need, if you promise not to freak out on me. At least until we meet Maisy."

He wasn't for sure he was holding her the right way, but he didn't have a stroller yet. That was #2 on the list after a crib. He was supposed to meet Maisy in a baby store inside the mall. He just hoped the place wasn't too crowded yet. It was a weekday morning during the fall, so it couldn't be that bad. Not that he was worried about the obsessive fans. Hunter knew the fans weren't going to attack or hurt Annabelle. Especially since it was in Nashville. He was just afraid of being in a strange place with a baby who he just found out was his a couple of hours ago.  He held Annabelle tighter as he walked into the mall entrance. The place was basically dead. *Good* He thought. His phone vibrated and he took it out of his pocket to see who the message was from. It was from Maisy saying: I see you :)

Hunter looked around the almost empty food court. The problem was, he had no idea what Maisy looked like and she never told him what she was wearing. He didn't know what to look for. As his eyes glanced around he stopped when he saw a girl with blonde hair pulled up in a pony tail. She was wearing an turquoise tee shirt and a pair of blue jean capris with some flip flops. She waved when she saw he was looking at her. He felt the stress ease away as he walked over to her.

"I take it your Hunter." Maisy said, her hands on her hips. She didn't look any older than twenty two.

"You've heard my music?" Hunter asked. *what a dumb question to ask.* hunter thought. *she probably doesn't even like country music*

"No, I figured it was you because you're holding that poor little girl like she's a football and you're about to get tackled." Maisy explained. "And yes...I have heard your music."

"I didn't know if I was holding her the right way." Hunter admitted, as he adjusted his grip on the baby. "Haley didn't tell me anything except to call you. She said you would know what to do, you would help me."

Maisy laughed.

"That's typical Haley for you." Maisy said. "Putting her problems off on everyone else."

"Well, she said her mom had passed away so she had to go be with her dad for a while." Hunter said. "Her mom had been sick for a while. I told her I would pray for her and her Dad while she was gone. I think it made her feel a little better."

"Hunter, excuse me for being outright, but you know that Haley's not coming back...right?" Maisy asked. "She didn't want Annabelle, Hunter. She never did. The only reason she went through with the pregnancy was because she thought when she told you, you would be at her beck and call. She knew you had money, and she knew you would fork everything out for your own child."

Hunter tried not to let the tears spill down his face. Why would someone he thought he loved do this to him? He thought Haley was a good person, well at least she seemed to be. *It must have been all an act* Hunter thought.

"Yeah, I figured." Hunter said calmly. He looked at Maisy and then looked down at Annabelle who was starting to slowly wake up. "Will you help me Maisy? I have someone else to live for now."

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