Chapter 9 The First Steps

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Annabelle was about to be a year old, and for the past couple of weeks Hunter and Maisy had been trying to get her to take her first steps. Every time they would stand her up to try to take a few steps, she would sit back down. It was a long process, that they knew wasn't going to come until Annabelle was ready. Since Hunter had finished up recording his new album, he had some time on his hands before the release. After what happened between Haley and Maisy, he fell more and more in love with Maisy and asked her to move in with him. Maisy instantly agreed, saying that it would be good for Annabelle to just live in one house.

It was morning, and Maisy was still in bed. She rolled over to face Hunter, but he wasn't there. Instead, there was a note. The note said: Maisy, Dan wanted me to come in for one last session today. I am sorry I wasn't there to see you wake up. I promise I will be home before it gets dark. Love, Hunter.

She smiled as she set the note on the nightstand next to the bed. She looked over at Annabelle who was sitting up in her crib, chewing on an end of a blanket.

"What happened to my little alarm clock?" Maisy asked as she walked over to the crib. "Did Daddy wake you up when he left?"

Annabelle just sat there chewing. Maisy bent down and picked her up, and then she kissed the top of her head.

"Looks like Daddy changed your diaper too." Maisy said. "How about we go fix us some breakfast. Momma's hungry."

Maisy was getting used to to calling herself Momma, even Hunter called her that from time to time. As she walked towards the kitchen, she placed Annabelle on the floor, standing up on her feet.

"Come on now, I know you can do it." Maisy said as she held Annabelle's hand's. Annabelle wobbled like she was going to take a step but then sat back down.

"Oh, you." Maisy laughed. 'You know you're going to have to walk sometime. but your Daddy is sure dreading the day that you start to run."

Annabelle giggled as she started to crawl towards the kitchen.

"Come here you little squirt." Maisy said as she ran down the hallways towards her. When she finally got to her she picked her up and walked into the kitchen. She put Annabelle in the high chair and then sliced a banana up and put the slices on the little table on the high chair.

Maisy smiled as she looked around the kitchen. It was a whole lot bigger than the one at her old house. Hunter made sure that when he bought this house, his family would have everything they needed. At the time, that only family was Annabelle since his parents already had their own place. But now Maisy was fully in the picture. When she went to retrieve milk out of the fridge she was greeted by a picture of Hunter and Annabelle that was stuck to the fridge with a magnet. It was from Christmas, just a couple of weeks ago, and Hunter was holding Annabelle in his lap. They were sitting in front of the Christmas tree laughing and opening presents.

"I got an idea." Maisy said turning back to Annabelle. "How about after breakfast, we go and surprise Daddy at the studio. He would be so excited to see us."

Annabelle lit up when Maisy said Daddy. She always did. She was the light of Hunter's life, as was he to her. It was beautiful to see the way they interacted together.

After breakfast, Maisy quickly got herself ready and then Annabelle. It was the beginning of January so it was freezing outside. She wrapped Annabelle tightly in a blanket and then they headed out. She knew Hunter would very well be surprised to see them at the studio. It was about a 20 minute drive from the house to the studio, with very little traffic. Maisy tried not to make too much noise getting out of the car, and then getting Annabelle out.

"Need some help with that?" A voice said from behind her.

Maisy turned around. "Sam!" She said with a laugh. "Don't scare me like that. What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I seen you pull up." Sam replied. "And I figured since it was so cold outside, I would come out and help you with Annabelle."

"That's nice of you." Maisy said. "You didn't tell Hunter I was here did you? I kind of want it to be a surprise."

Sam laughed. "No, I didn't tell him." He said. "He's still back working on a track with Dan. How's she doing by the way?"

"Fine." Maisy replied. "Just fine. Still not wanting to walk yet."

"Maybe we can change that today." Sam said.

Maisy moved out of the way as Sam reached in the vehicle and picked Annabelle up out of the car seat.

"Oh, my little munchkin's gotten so big." Sam said. "You're going to have to stop growing so fast."

Maisy loved how all of the band members had a connection with Annabelle. She was raised around them. They all loved her like she was one of their own. As they got inside Sam handed Annabelle back to Maisy and then he said. "Wait right here. I will go get Hunter." She un-bundled Annabelle and then let her stand on the floor.

"Are you ready to see Daddy?" Maisy asked softly. She bounced Annabelle with her hands, and tried to get her to move around.

After about two minutes Hunter came around the corner and smiled.

"Hi baby!" Hunter exclaimed as he saw Maisy and Annabelle.

Annabelle's face light up, and she started to bounce on her own. Soon enough her right foot moved forward, and then her left foot, then her right again. She was walking. She was actually walking towards Hunter. Hunter squatted down and held his arms out towards her.

"Come on." Hunter said. "That's it."

When Annabelle finally reached Hunter's arms, Hunter squeezed her tight as the tears fell down his face. He couldn't believe his little girl had finally walked. After weeks of trying to teach her, she finally took her first steps. He stood up and made his way over to Maisy. She was crying as well. His lips crashed into hers as the celebrated the joyous moment. Annabelle was growing up.

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