Chapter 10 The Truth

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Hunter's POV

I woke up to a loud buzzing noise. Uggh, I thought as I rolled over. I didn't want to move, I just wanted to stay in this same exact spot for the rest of my life. Maisy was facing him, her hair was still pulled up into the pony tail she fixed before they went to bed. Annabelle was laying in between the two of them. She had been up screaming half the night because of an ear infection. I smiled as I watched her finally sleep peacefully. The buzzing continued. I slowly sat up and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. It was a text from Haley. She wanted me to meet her at Starbucks at 9 and it was already 8:15. Why did she have to text me so early? Of course she didn't know about the ear infection, and I wasn't planning on telling her. Though she was Annabelle's biological mother, I didn't think she had any reason to know my business. She gave Annabelle up a long time ago, and that's the way it was going to stay.

I sighed as I stood up, placing my pillow beside of Annabelle, so if she did roll over, she wouldn't fall off the bed. I changed out of my sleep pants and pulled on a pair of jeans from the night before. One less thing to be put in the laundry today. I pulled a crème colored turtle neck over my head, then grabbed my watch and tightened it around my wrist. I hated to leave Maisy and Annabelle here without them being awake, but I needed to go talk to Haley. If I didn't go talk to her now, she would just show back up at the house like she did right before Christmas. I wanted her as far away from Maisy and Annabelle as possible.

I walked over to the desk and pulled out a piece of paper from the printer. I wrote: Maisy, I told you I was going to take care of Haley, and that's what I am doing. She said something about telling me the truth. The only reason I am going is to keep you and Annabelle safe. I really wanted to tell you this in person but I went and had the papers drawn up for termination of parental rights. I am going to ask Haley if she will sign them. I am hoping to be back before you wake up, so you won't have to read this letter, but if I am not please don't be mad. I love you. Hunter.

I placed the note on her nightstand, then kissed both her and Annabelle. I grabbed my keys and hit the door. It was freezing outside but I didn't care. I wanted to get to starbucks, grab me a coffee, and then talk to Haley. I made sure my messenger bag with the papers was still in my car, then I put it in drive. I was glad to see there was hardly anyone parked in the Starbucks parking lot. I put my messenger bag around my neck, and then walked into Starbucks. I ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte and then shortly found Haley. She was sitting with a little boy who looked to be about five. His hair was the same color blond as Haley's. He was all bundled up in his spider man pj's and he had a big spider man jacket on.

"Hunter, I'm glad you could make it." Haley said with a smile. "Umm, this is my little brother Ben. Benjamin this is my friend Hunter."

"Hi Hunter." Ben said, he had been coloring.

"Hi." I said. I wondered why she had her brother there. I sat down beside of Ben, then took a sip of my coffee. The warmth woke me up just a little more.

"Hunter, the reason why I asked you to come is because of Ben." Haley explained. "He's dying, Hunter. He was diagnosed with Leukemia about six months ago. The doctors have already done a couple of rounds of chemo, and I've given my blood. I have even given bone marrow. Hunter, I don't know what to do anymore."

I didn't know what to tell her. Yes, I had visited sick children in the hospital, but I had really never had to be around one from someone I personally knew. After taking another look at Ben, I could tell he was sick. He looked all pale. He was only five and he was dying. He hadn't even lived. I felt a tear well up in my eye, but I tried to fight it.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked. I took a deep breath.

"After I gave birth to Annabelle, Maisy said we should save her cord blood." Haley replied. "I signed the form and they have it at a blood bank at Vanderbilt. Cord blood has stem cells in it, stem cells that could help cancer patients. Hunter, I need Annabelle's cord blood. She and Ben are both the same blood type."

I couldn't think. What if something was to happen to Annabelle when she got older and she needed that cord blood? But Annabelle was perfectly healthy right now, it was Ben who needed to be saved. He knew he wouldn't even have to think twice about asking Maisy, she would instantly agree it was the right thing to do. I nodded and then took another sip of coffee.

"Alright." I told her. "I will do whatever I have to do to get Ben the cord blood. I will sign whatever needs to be signed. I just want you to do something for me."

"Anything." Haley responded. Tears were falling down her face. She was so happy I had agreed.

I opened up my messenger bag and grabbed the parental termination forms. I handed them over to her. I hated to give them to her after her telling me that her brother was dying, but I needed to know that after I helped her this last time that she wouldn't come back and bother Annabelle again. I needed to move forward in my life with Maisy and Haley was in the way of that at the moment.

"Do you really want me to do this?" Haley asked after reading the papers.

I nodded again.

"You'd make a great mother one day." I told her. "But you're not really Annabelle's mother, Maisy is. Please, for me, sign those papers so we can move on with our lives. I don't want Annabelle to grow up and think she was abandoned. Please Haley, it's the least you can do after coming back unannounced."

Haley sighed and then said, "Well, do ya have a pen?"

I laughed and then handed her one. She paused for a minute, but then the pen touched the paper and she began to sign. After she signed she handed the papers back to me. I stood up, hugged Ben, and then walked over and hugged Haley. Though she could be rough at times, she was still a friend. And I would help any friend in need.

I got in my car and drove back to my house as fast as I could. I ran through the door and found Maisy in the kitchen. She was still in her pajamas. She looked at me with understanding. The tears had started to fall whenever I got into the car and they didn't stop. Maisy came over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"It's ok." Maisy said as she tried to calm me. I was shaking and sobbing. "Everything's going to be ok."

She kept her arms around me until I stopped crying. It felt like forever. When I told her everything that happened that morning she began to cry too. She told me she was proud of me for making the decision to give him Annabelle's cord blood and that she was glad Haley was willing to sign the papers. I am glad I have a beautiful loving woman who understands me. I can never doubt her for a second. And just then, I knew things were starting to look up.

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