Chapter 12 Dying for Drama pt. 1

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Hunter's POV

I sat at the breakfast table that morning with no words to say. Even as Maisy set a plate of French toast in front of me, I barely moved. Today was the day...the day we found out if giving Ben Annabelle's cord blood worked. I looked over at Annabelle who was eating cheerios in her high chair. She had no idea how she might be saving this boy's life. I relaxed a little as I felt Maisy's hand fall on top of mine. I felt the pressure was going to fall on me either way. If Ben was in remission, than Haley would more than likely think of me as a hero for giving her the cord blood, but if Ben was still sick, then Haley would most likely find some reason to hate me and plot revenge.

"Look at her," Maddie said referring to Annabelle. "She's just so peaceful this morning. Eating her cheerios in silence, that's a first."

Usually breakfast was a big thing for us. Breakfast was family time, time to bond. When I would come downstairs the first thing I would do was kiss Maisy, and rub her belly, then I would quickly kiss Annabelle on the cheek and try to duck as she would try to throw some kind of food at me. I loved watching Annabelle's personality grow every day. Her toddler faces were precious to me. I knew she wouldn't be little like this for long so every day I would always try to take it in.

I looked down at my phone, no new messages. Haley was supposed to text me after the results.

"Please don't stress yourself over this." Maisy said. "You did what you could do. You signed the paper to give Ben the cord blood. If it didn't change anything, you can't blame yourself."

"But he's only five Maisy." I said trying not to cry. "He's a child, dying should be the last thing on his mind. If this didn't work, Haley's going to be devastated."

"Of course she will be heartbroken." Maisy said. "But we can't cure the little boy, Hunter. God has a plan for him. Baby, you can't keep dwelling on this. Ben was put on this earth for a reason, and maybe God only had a certain time limit planned out for him. Maybe he sent him here for something special."

I nodded. Maisy was right, God had sent Ben here for a special reason. He had sent him to save me. Ben was a spark I needed to be hit with. Even though I have always tried to be positive, he seemed to not have a care in the world. He made me give more thought into my life. Seeing this little boy suffer, but still trying to be a kid broke my heart.

After I finally finished my breakfast, I went back upstairs to take a shower. I was anxious to get a text from Haley, not normally what I would be looking forward to. After I got out, I changed into a pair of grey skinny jeans and a navy long sleeve shirt. Maisy and Annabelle were both laying down on the bed, watching TV. Annabelle reached for me and I walked closer to the bed, so I picked her up. I gave her about ten kisses which made her giggle and smile.

"Going somewhere?" Maisy asked as she looked over at me.

I shrugged.

"No, I don't know." I replied. I sat down on the bed, Annabelle still in my arms. "I thought maybe we could go to the park. Push Annabelle on the swings, maybe take a ride in the country. I hate sitting here waiting. It feels like time is going so slow."

"A ride does sound good." Maisy said after she yawned. "But I'm not going to promise I will stay awake for the whole thing. This baby has me worn out."

Maisy was five months pregnant, and already you could tell how the pregnancy was draining her. She looked beautiful, don't get me wrong. But she was just so tired all the time.

After sitting on the bed for a few more minutes, we both got up, got Annabelle dressed, and hopped in the car. We decided to head south, riding backroads showing Annabelle the farm animals. About an hour after we left I recieved a text from Haley. I had to pull the car over on the side of the road.

"It didn't work." I said, my voice was low. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I knew something bad was coming now. Haley's brother was most likely going to die, so she was going to be seeking comfort.

"Let's go home." Maisy said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Call Haley and ask her to bring Ben over for dinner."

 I did what she asked and Haley was comforted to know that she had us as friends. When we got back to the house I laid Annabelle down for a nap. I took a nap too, not wanting to be downstairs when Haley showed up. When I woke up the room was dark. I looked over to see Maisy, but she wasn't beside of me. Annabelle wasn't in her crib either. The alarm clock said it was 10:00 pm. I must have been dead tired. I stood up and began to walk downstairs. I made my way into the kitchen; there was still a casserolle pan filled with chicken parmigana. Maisy had made one of my favorite's no doubt. I walked into the living room, and the TV was on. Maisy was asleep on the couch. My emotions started to heighten when I couldn't find Annabelle. She hadn't been in her crib, or the playpen. I looked all around the house but there was no sign of her. I could feel beads of sweat start to form at my hairline. And to make things worse, Haley and Ben were nowhere to be found either. Maisy woke up after she heard me running around the house slamming things around.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice concerend.

"Annabelle's gone." I said, breathing hard. "She's gone."

'What do you mean she's gone?" Maisy asked. "I thought she was upstairs with you?"

"She was, but when I woke up she was gone." I said, tears started to fall down my face. "Haley took her, I know she had to. She and Ben aren't here anymore."

"Well she must have went upstairs after I fell asleep." Maisy said as she rubbed her neck. "I have no idea why I fell asleep so quickly. She helped me make dinner, and i was about to come wake you when I felt really really tired suddenly. Haley helped me sit down on the couch and before I knew it I was out."

I looked at the side of Maisy's neck, there was blood. Haley had given Maisy some kind of sleeping medication to knock her out so she couldn't stop her from taking Annabelle. I couldn't believe this was happening. I jumped as my phone started to ring. I quickly grabbed it out of my pocket. It was Haley.

"If you want her back, meet me in our special place." Haley said.

My whole body was shaking.

"Why did you take her?" I asked, really I was yelling, but I was trying my best not to. "You signed the papers, you promised you wouldn't do this."

Haley laughed.

"Nothing can keep me away from her Hunter, not even your shmancy fancy lawyers that you hire." Haley replied. "No piece of paper is going to get in my way. Annabelle is my flesh and blood. I see the way she lights up whenever Ben is around. They need each other."

"Ben and Annabelle can spend time with each other without you having both of them." I told her. "Please bring her back Haley, I'm begging you."

"I told you, come to our special place." Haley said sternly. "And we will talk about me giving Annabelle back. And you better come alone."

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